Chapter 7- Homecoming Prep and Forgiveness

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Jessica's P.O.V.

After Mason showed us the cave, Ric took a bunch of picture of the wall where the Native Americans had depicted the life of the Originals. Ric had tried to make fun of me, saying the Vikings came before the Native Americans and I said Native Americans were on the continent already, just not in this area and he gave me a look before turning away.

He called into work this morning and I know that he's planning something with Damon and Elena that they don't want to tell me about but I don't care because I know it will fail, plus I had a morning cheerleading practice. I'm walking over to the girls, talking to Rebekah, when Elena approaches us. "All I am asking is for you to invite them in so I know which dress looks the best," Rebekah tells me and I shake my head.

"No, Rebekah, find somewhere else to have your runway show because it isn't going to be my house. I don't want people in it," I say and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm in it," she argues and I spin on my heels facing her.

"I can kick you out. Is that what you want? Because there's like one hotel in this town and it sucks so either make nice with the Salvatores or stop complaining," I say as Elena approaches us. I leave Rebekah since Elena says she needs to talk to her and go over to the cheerleaders.

"Trouble in paradise?" Caroline asks, glaring at Rebekah but I ignore her and begin stretching. "Seriously, you're still ignoring me? I get it, I messed up and I should've told you and I'm sorry but you're hanging around Rebekah now like she's your new bestie and Tyler is hanging out with her because she's protecting Klaus' 'asset' and I need my best friend to talk to yet all I get is Bonnie, who has her own relationship drama to deal with so please talk to me," she begs and I stop stretching and look at her.

"Caroline, I stopped being mad at you for not telling about Mer when I forgave her and you would know that if you ever stopped bitching about Rebekah," I snap at her and she looks at me taken aback. "You want to know why I'm ignoring you? It's because you told me that you didn't want to captain this team yet all you have done since Rebekah showed up is question me, hoping that the team will vote me out and you in so you can get rid of her and that's selfish. I'm pissed because you're being a petty, selfish bitch and that's saying a lot coming from the queen of all those categories," I tell her.

She looks at me guiltily. "I haven't been doing that," she tries to lie but knows I can see through it. "Ok, fine I just don't get why you put her on the team, because she's your new bestie or because you have a thing for her because apparently your into girls now," she snarls and I see all the girls looking at us argue.

I laugh. "That's what this is about? I let Rebekah on the team because, news flash, she's amazing and I want to win. I'm friends with her because if you would ever take a second to try and talk to her, you'd realize that she's funny and really fun to be around, which is what you used to be until she showed up and I'm not into Rebekah," I tell her condescendingly, getting into her face to make sure she knows that I won't go down without a fight and she needs to back down.

"My 'flirting'," I say with air quotes on the word flirting. "Is because she's gorgeous and I'm boosting her self confidence because her brother doesn't exactly do a great job at it, kinda like I used to do for you and you would remember that if you took your head out of your ass and stopped thinking that the world revolves around you because it doesn't and I sure as hell won't let this team," I tell her before walking to the front of the girls to lead some group stretches.


After school, I'm trying to go to my car when Meredith approaches me. "Hey, I need to talk to you about something. Can I come over later? I know Ric said he wanted your help with the runes from the cave but can we meet after?" She asks and I nod telling her I'll text her after I leave his apartment. I walk to my car only to see Caroline leaning against the driver's door. I roll my eyes, knowing she saw me before turning away and beginning to walk towards Ric's.

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