Chapter 5- Senior Year

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Jessica's P.O.V.

A lot of things went down while I was giving blood last night. Stefan texted Damon, who was with Jeremy, and they headed to the hospital. Stefan tried to stop Klaus from taking my blood, even though I told him to leave it and Elena tried to tell him but he fought, angry that Klaus had taken his memories in the 20s, so Klaus compelled him to turn his humanity off, fed up with his anger.

Stefan left the hospital after that and I began giving blood. My supernatural healing ability allows me to give more than normal so I was on about my 5th bag full when Damon showed up telling me that Klaus left and he was taking me home. He apologized for not being there for me and took me back to the boarding house.

I wake up after dreaming about everything that happened last night to the sound of Alaric and Damon's arguing voices. "Well, why were you with Katherine and Jeremy?" Ric questions and I can hear the nervousness in Damon's voice as he answers.

"She kidnapped Jeremy and didn't tell me. I went with her to find some vampire hunter that she said Klaus was running from," he answers, making me snap up.

"Damon, please tell me you didn't wake Mikael!" I demand angrily.

"Well, I didn't, but Katherine is trying to. What's the big deal with this guy? I mentioned his name to Klaus and he left town immediately," he says and Alaric gives him a thoughtful look while I give him a glare.

"That's because Klaus isn't an absolute idiot, like you clearly are," I snarl, getting into his face. "What part of vampire that hunts other vampires don't you get? He will kill any vampire that crosses his path, werewolves too, and in case you haven't noticed, you selfish bastard, I'M A WEREWOLF!" I yell as the door opens and I can hear footsteps.

"Where is she, is she okay?" Meredith asks, making me roll my eyes and Ric and Damon look from her to me in shock and confusion.

"There's two of you," Ric says and I laugh.

"Yeah, thanks, genius. I think we realized that," I joke as Meredith rushes up to give me a hug.

"Oh, I was so worried. Caroline made it sound like Klaus was going to kill you," she says.

"Please, Klaus couldn't kill me even if he wanted to, and he doesn't," I tell her, giving her a glare that makes her squirm.

"I'm sorry ok, I shouldn't have pretended to be you," she confesses, and I nod.

"You're right," I return icily.

She looks at me before breaking down in tears. "I'm so sorry, I was scared that they wouldn't like me and when they saw me and thought I was you, everyone was so happy and then Caroline realized that it wasn't you because she said we were too different so I told her the truth and then I stayed away from Damon so he wouldn't figure it out and tried not to get too close to anyone. I just wanted a family. I've never had one so I didn't care how I got it," she claims, bawling and I stare at her for a second before reluctantly taking her into my arms and petting her hair.

"There, there," I say awkwardly, hoping that someone will take her from me and comfort her instead. You'd think that after dying I'd be better at comforting people, but nope, I definitely got worse. Thankfully, the door opens and Rebekah storms in.

"He left me here. My brother actually left me here," she vents, looking for Stefan before realizing he isn't here. "Where's Stefan?"

"Who the hell are you?" Damon asks.

"Rebekah, Klaus' sister," I answer, using her as an excuse to let my sister go.

"You aren't staying here," Damon tells her and she glares at him.

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