Chapter 25- College Fights

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I have finally decided that I can forgive Rebekah and as a result, so has Caroline, who refused to actually admit that she missed our other blonde friend. We all went to the grill with April, who Rebekah says is going to be her Caroline, which made me and Care laugh. She walks away from us to go hand Matt a set of keys to the new truck she bought him. Caroline and I listen in to hear him turn her down, saying she should be apologizing to Elena. Rebekah tries to explain that she already had and it didn't take as Elena had tried to kill her last night.

At the mention of Elena, I remember that Klaus had healed her last night. I don't know if he did it because Stefan asked him or for some sinister reason, but knowing Klaus, it's most likely the latter. After recovering from the werewolf venom, she had tried to attack Matt but luckily, Damon had shown up to see me, who was already fast asleep, and had pulled her off with the offer to show her how to feed on people so she can control the hunger with blood bags. Bonnie was heading to Whittmore to meet the new occults professor, who has some stuff of her grams, and invited them along.

Elena had been nervous about going so she asked me. I told her that Caroline had learned control by feeding off me before I started giving her blood bags and Elena begged me to go with them. I talked to Damon, who told me that I should come and drive up myself to bring Caroline. He said he'd show us 'what college is really for', which made me burst into a fit of giggles. I offered to take Meredith but she and Vivianne decided they are going to magically stalk Elijah for a reason I was afraid to ask.

I'm thinking about this as Rebekah reaches our table with a dejected look on her beautiful face. I stand up and hug her. "Hey, in the words of Lydia Martin, don't frown, somebody could be falling in love with your smile," I joke and succeed in getting her to grin. "Well, now that all that's settled. Caroline and I have to get to Whittmore for Bonnie and Elena," I tell them and Care gets up, telling them goodbye.

"What, why?" Rebekah complains and I sigh.

"I already told you, Beks. Bonnie has to get some stuff of her Gram's and Care wanted to tour the campus." I hug her and whisper in her ear. "Remember, Klaus has a member of the five. I don't know why but he's up to something. Please be careful and don't trust him." She nods and I smile.

"Matt'll come around," Caroline promises. "He used to get angry with me all the time, although I didn't almost kill him," she finishes, not really helping, so we say our goodbyes and head to Whittmore.


We have to sit in on Professor Shane's, Shiela's replacement, lecture and let me tell you, it was lame. We got there late and then Damon and I were discussing with Elena on who to feed from and I swear it's like she knows nothing about being a vampire, or being manipulative for that matter. Shane was talking about witches and then tried to call us out for talking. "Am I interrupting you guys? Or is it maybe the other way around?"

I roll my eyes, this guy seems super sketchy. Damon and Elena scramble for something to say so I sigh and open my mouth. "We were actually talking about how witches originated from a people who called themselves travelers although they are now more commonly known as gypsies. They were said to possess the power to use nature for healing and other such things but some of them craved more power so they learned to harness the power of their dead, creating witches," I say boredly, because I'm bored. Everyone in the class looks at me in shock while Shane looks at me like I'm a mystery.

"Yes, that's very true Ms..." he trails off.

"Gilbert, Jessica Gilbert. I'm here to get a feel for the campus. So far, I'm unimpressed," I state in a challenging tone, surprising him while Damon grins, kissing my cheek.

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