Chapter 26- The Killer

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Klaus stands at the gravesite of one of Rebekah's many loves, Alexander. He looks around at the scenery as his hybrids dig for the sword. He can't stop thinking about Jessica, their time spent together in Italy, the way he felt shivers run through his body when she touched him the previous day, the anger on her face as she called him a beast or as she punched him. As he thinks about Jessica, he's suddenly overcome by the words Rebekah had said to him mere hours ago.

"Go ahead," she had cried. "Laugh at the girl who loved too easily but I would rather live my life then yours, Nik. Once upon a time, I might've said you couldn't love and I thought that was sad but now you are simply pathetic," she sneered. "What was it you once said? That Jessica was the ocean and all you wanted to do was drown? It's funny because you talk about me falling for men who don't love me but you've fallen for a girl that will never love you back because you are a coward who pushes her away every time she gets too close. You'll always be an unlovable bastard in her eyes, she's told me!" She had screamed as Klaus stuck the dagger into her heart, wondering if her word about Jessica were true.

The original hybrid is snapped out of his memory by a phone call from Stefan. "Conner's escaped. I went to your place and there was a dead hybrid and an empty torture device. One of your hybrids said they tried to call," he informs him and Klaus checks to find that he hadn't heard the three missed calls, too busy thinking about Jessica, speaking of.

"Well, I'd blame my numbing incompetence, but pointing fingers isn't going to help me, you're going to help me," he commands.

"Well, he could be anywhere now," Stefan argues and Klaus sighs, wondering how Stefan has failed to draw the same conclusion as he had.

"Yes well if I were to wonder where someone was, I'd contact a witch. Perhaps a witch that is brilliant and knows everything that goes on in the town. One who is part werewolf and can sniff him out, one who could give everyone a nice little history lesson about the five and convince all her friends not to kill him without mentioning the cure," he alludes and Stefan sighs.

"You want me to enlist Jessica's help. News flash Klaus, she doesn't like either of us, she only tolerates me for her sister and she doesn't tolerate you at all. Not to mention she'll be pissed we daggered Rebekah," he points out and Klaus chuckles.

"Yes well, the lovely Ms. Gilbert came to my house last night to show me the tattoo and deck me for taking her brother. I told her that Rebekah was so angry at the pair of us that she'd left town for a while to clear her head. She was quite angry at her Bennett friend so she failed to ask any questions. Call her. Trust me, Stefan, she'll be more than willing to help," he promises as he hangs up the phone with a smirk.

Jessica Gilbert was sitting on her couch, eating cereal, while she listened to Damon ask for Elena's phone to call Stefan because he thinks he's dodging him for not keeping a better eye on Elena and allowing her to overindulge, when her phone rings. She sees it's Stefan and hears them continue to talk about how Elena didn't tell Stefan as she answers.

"Why are you calling me, Stefan? You know your brother called, not me, right?" She asks sarcastically before eating a spoonful of cereal.

"Yeah well I'm sure Rebekah told you Klaus had Conner and apparently he has now escaped with a hybrid's head," he explains and Jessica sighs.

"Sounds like his problem, not ours. If your worried about him coming after you, I'd be willing to put a protection spell on you like I'm about to do to Damon but I'm not helping Klaus. Not after what he tried to do to Caroline," she responds as Damon's phone chimes. He looks at it before giving her a worried look and tossing her the phone. She sees a text from Jeremy's phone that Conner has hostages at the grill. "Fuck!" She shouts before going back to Stefan. "Scratch that, meet at my mansion in 10 minutes," she declares, hanging up.

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