Chapter 8- Homecoming

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Stefan, Damon, Elena, and Rebekah sit in the boarding house's parlor with Mikael's daggered body on the floor. "You know, we could just leave him daggered, tell Jessica, she can kill him and we all win bonus points with her and we find another way to kill Klaus that isn't the one person she specifically said would try and kill her for being a werewolf," Damon suggests and Elena looks at him in shock at the new information and begins to think it's a good idea.

"No, this is the only way we can get Klaus and we aren't going to screw it up just so you can make up with your girlfriend," Stefan tells him and Rebekah speaks up.

"Right, but what about when my brother asks to talk to her because make no mistake, he will. He doesn't trust many people and he'll believe it more with my confirmation, but he trust Jessica completely. I've never seen him trust someone the way he trusts her," Rebekah tells them.

"What do you mean?" Damon asks.

"The way he touches her, he knows that she sees his memories, it's his way of showing that he has nothing to hide, he would never do that with someone else. For whatever reason, he trusts her, he'll want to speak with her," she claims.

"No, Jessica stays out of this," Elena says looking at Damon, who nods.

"I agree, not only would she most likely kill Mikael before Klaus gets here but she would then murder all of us for involving him after she told us not to. Although, we could blame it on Katherine," he suggests and Elena shoots him a look. "Or not," he mumbles.

"Fine, what about Meredith, she's far less intimidating and far easier to manipulate," she suggests.

Elena and Damon both object but for different reasons. Elena doesn't want either of her sisters involved but Damon knows it won't work. "Sure she's easy to manipulate but she's terrible at lying and manipulation, trust me, I tested it," he says, thinking about his argument with Jessica the previous night.

"Let's just make the call and say Jessica wasn't here because she's pissed at Damon," Stefan suggests and they agree, calling Klaus and telling him what they had rehearsed about Elena daggering Mikael after he came to dagger Rebekah. Klaus, after getting confirmation from Rebekah, says he wants to see the body and he'll be home soon. Once they hang up, Elena pulls the dagger from Mikael's chest and Rebekah goes to get nail polish to get ready for the dance. Klaus, however, sensing it was a trap as Jessica wasn't involved, calls Tyler, telling him to flood the school dance and suggest to his girlfriend and friend that they have it at his house. Tyler agrees immediately and gets to work.


That night, as the girls of Mystic Falls are getting ready for the dance, Elena walks upstairs to talk to Rebekah. Rebekah confides that she has never been to a school dance before. She begins to ask about the plan but stops herself not wanting to take any more part in her brother's demise. "How do I look?" She asks the doppelgänger, nervous that Matt, who Jessica and Tyler had got to take her, wouldn't like the dress.

"You look amazing! But you're missing one thing," Elena tells the blonde, giving her the necklace and feels guilt course through her as she drives the dagger into Rebekah's heart. Damon walks up into the room to make sure Elena had gone through with it and nods as the doorbell rings and Elena goes to complete phase two, both of them not knowing that Vivianne is watching them, ready to tell Jessica everything.

At the gym, Caroline, Tyler, Jessica, and Meredith stand watching the firefighters handling the flood and Jessica calls her sister to tell her the party was being moved to the Lockwood manor. As she turns to go back to her friends, Vivianne shows up and reveals everything, including Klaus' plan. While Jessica is angry Tyler flooded all their hard work and Klaus didn't even consider their effort, she is angrier that her friends are working with Mikael. "Hey Mer, I just realized that I forgot this bracelet I said I'd lend to Rebekah at the house. Do you mind heading over with Care and Ty," Jessica asks her sister, who says it's fine.

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