Chapter 41- Grad Prep

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Jessica's P.O.V.

When I got back home from New Orleans, Vivianne told me that Elijah decided to follow Klaus to New Orleans to handle whatever it was that happened and Mer was really upset about it all, so I called everyone to my house for a meeting. I wait for everyone, minus Bonnie, to arrive and when they have, I reveal the big news. "So I have two pieces of news. Good news and just news," I say and everyone chuckles. "Which do you want first?"

"Good news," Damon and Caroline say simultaneously before shooting each other glares, which makes me laugh.

"Mer and I got into the University of New Orleans!" I squeal and everyone cheers before Caroline suddenly frowns, as does Meredith.

"Wait, but I thought we were going to Whittemore," Caroline states, and I roll my eyes.

"No, you decided to go to Whittemore, Care, I said I was going to U.N.O. That's always been my plan and Elena said she was going to go to Whittemore with you and I said I'd be fine in New Orleans but now I have Meredith to keep me company," I exclaim with a smile that Meredith doesn't return. "What's wrong, you were so excited when I suggested going to U.N.O.?"

Meredith sighs. "Elijah's in New Orleans. What if he thinks I went there to chase after him?"

I roll my eyes. "He won't, plus word from Marcel is Elijah's gone. Some fight with Klaus after he returned. Plus, New Orleans is a big city and the college is far enough from the quarter that you won't even see him," I inform her and she smiles, letting herself get excited.

"Okay, what's the other news?" Damon questions, impatient, and I grin at him.

"Alright, everyone holds onto your hats," I tell them before revealing the news. "The reason Klaus is in New Orleans is because he knocked up Hayley."

Everyone looks at me in shock, making my grin widen. "Wait, Klaus?" Stefan stutters out and I giggle.

"Yup, Niklaus Mikaelson, original hybrid is about to be a daddy."

"How?" Elena asks.

"Nature's loophole," I respond. "A vampire can't procreate but the werewolf gene was meant to be a curse so it wants to be passed down. He was made a vampire with magic but he was born a wolf, which means as soon as the curse broke, the baby-making factory was open for business. Sucks for Hayley though because she's stuck pregnant and I know for a fact that they didn't even finish," I snort.

"Out of all of the originals we've met, I think Klaus is the least fatherly," Damon states, and Caroline nods.

"I feel like Elijah would make a good father," Caroline adds and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever, we should just be happy that I dodged that bullet," I point out and they all look at me, shocked.

"Are you sure?" Elena questions, worried, but I nod.

"Yup, I did a shit load of spells to be sure and thank God because that baby would've been a disaster if it had me and Klaus for parents." I shiver at the thought before a wicked smirk finds its way onto my face. "Although, I wouldn't have needed to worry if someone hadn't told me that I didn't need to use a condom because vampires can't procreate or get STD's." I give Damon and pointed look and he laughs.

"Well, how was I to know that you would sleep with the one vampire that can knock people up?" He queries and I laugh, suddenly hearing Ric behind me.

"He's got a point, you know. He probably thought you had better taste," he jokes, and I scoff.

"You married Isabelle, I don't think you can talk about anyone else's judgment, Ric," I counter and he laughs while Damon smiles at me, a genuine smile that I haven't seen in a while.

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