Chapter 16- Peasant Whore?

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Surprisingly, things have been kind of normal lately, or at least I think they are. I've barely left my mansion as Meredith is currently holed up there after Elijah said he was a bad person and was breaking up with her 'for her own good'. She is not taking it well at all considering they've only known each other for like 2 days but a) feelings are not my strong suit and b) any time Damon does anything with another girl, I automatically assume the worse and hide until I come out and decide to forgive him. In other words, love is stupid.

Meredith, Vivianne, and I are currently sitting around watching Teen Wolf when someone knocks on the door. I get up to answer it while the other two don't notice, mesmerized by the show they've never seen. I open the door to reveal Rebekah. "I need your help. May I come in?" She asks, pushing her way inside without waiting for an answer.

"Sure," I say sarcastically before grabbing her arm and leading her to the kitchen. "You don't want to go in the living room," I tell her.


"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because your idiot brother broke up with my naïve sister, who slept with him after knowing him for two days, because he kidnapped my sister, who tried to kill me, albeit unintentionally, and Vivianne is wallowing in the fact that Klaus claims to be in love with me but she won't go talk to him because she was conning him when she accidentally fell in love with him back in the 18th century," I tell her and she nods.

"Right, well can you step away because there is some white oak laying around that can kill an original and if one of us dies," I cut her off.

"I die too. Great, where do we start?"

"The Salvatores kept the logging mills back then so I was hoping you could find out from Damon," she says giving me a pleading look.

"I'm not going to manipulate my boyfriend but I will get him to talk to you," I tell her and she grins.

"Great, go get ready," she says and I obey, making sure to dress for the cold weather. She drives us to the Wickery Bridge fundraiser. As soon as we arrive, I spot Ric and Damon talking with Ric's new girlfriend. I excuse myself from Rebekah and go say hi. As I approach, they stop talking, almost like they're hiding something, but I shake it off, knowing Ric would never keep something from me.

"Hey guys, how are you?" I ask with a bright smile. Damon kisses me, whispering a 'great' in my ear, and Alaric smiles at both of us.

"Good, we miss you and Meredith at home. Why aren't you there, by the way?" He asks and I shrug.

"She got very attached to Elijah very fast. Meredith is kind of a heart on her sleeve type of girl and after Elijah kidnapped Elena, he started believing his mother's spiel about them all being evil and decided she was better off without him. She disagrees and refuses to leave the couch unless it's to get food or use the bathroom and apparently misery loves company because Viv just encourages while whining about how Klaus won't love her because she conned him so," I say with an eye roll and Ric laughs before Carol comes up and asks about the Wickery Bridge sign.

Alaric leaves with his girlfriend soon after and Damon excuses himself to talk to some redhead. They look very friendly so I walk over to Rebekah, who is glaring at her. "Why is your boyfriend talking to that peasant whore?"

"What peasant whore, Bekah?" I ask, wondering why I'm friends with her.

"Sage, she's a trashy little thing. In fact, I heard your boyfriend call her his hottest teacher while bragging about how she taught him to enjoy feeding while he was sleeping with her," Rebekah tells me and I instantly feel protective over Damon so I leave Rebekah, who is still speaking, to go introduce myself to this Sage.

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