Chapter 19- Do Not Go Gentle

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3rd Person P.O.V.

While Jessica is in New Orleans, the students of Mystic Falls high school are getting prepared for the decade dance, except Rebekah, who hasn't shown up and Caroline, who is currently talking to Jessica. "So then we're in my bedroom and he sees the picture that Klaus drew me on my dresser that's of me petting a horse and the words 'thank you for your honesty' on it and he freaks out asking why he drew it for me and if he had a thing for me then he said he'd find another place to sleep and left," she complains about her fight with Tyler the previous night.

"You should've told him that you only kept it because it was pretty. I may hate Klaus now but you don't see me getting rid of the car he bought me. Maybe that's why Damon is choosing Elena over me because I've kept all the gifts Klaus bought me," Jessica brainstorms aloud, making Davina look over at her in confusion from her bed in the attic.

"No, Damon doesn't have a thing for Elena, he's totally in love with you," Care tries to comfort her, but Jessica snorts.

"Yeah, well tell that to Jeremy, who called to tell me he caught them making out in Denver," Jessica says as Davina finally speaks up.

"Wait, I thought you said Elena was your sister and Damon was your boyfriend," she states.

"They are," Jessica confirms, only confusing Davina more.

"Then why were they making out?"

"Because Elena's boyfriend turned his humanity off and acted like a dick so he refused to turn it back on and I got angry because I overreact to things so my actions plus Stefan's actions equal Damon and Elena developing feelings," Jessica tries to explain to the teenage witch.

"They don't seem like they appreciate you much," Davina says and Caroline snorts.

"Who are you talking to and she is definitely right, you aren't the problem, they are," Caroline agrees, making Jess roll her eyes.

"Oh, whatever. Don't you have a dance to plan with Rebekah?" She tries to distract Caroline, and it works.

"That's another thing, I faked the fight yesterday and I don't know what happened but Rebekah just didn't show up today so I'm stuck planning this by myself with someone that's even bossier than me to make sure things are done correctly," she complains and Jessica smiles.

"Oh come on Caroline, just remember, you told Carol that you'd organize the Miss Mystic competition by yourself this year," Jessica reminds her before saying a quick goodbye and hanging up before Caroline can protest. She begins to talk to Davina, who has finally opened up, asking the older girl questions about guys and telling her about her friend Tim while Caroline heads to the gym to help her friends organize it. She is trying to convince Elena to ask Stefan to keep her from Damon because as much as she doesn't like the Raven haired Salvatore, she knows how much Jessica loves him and vis versa.

Meanwhile, Alaric gets off the phone with Damon after pretending to be normal Ric and stabs Rebekah with a dagger, after she convinced Klaus to go to the 20s dance using Caroline as bait, something Klaus was suspicious about, knowing that Rebekah knows of his feelings for Jessica, to allow Esther to go back into her body so she can prepare to make Alaric the new Mikael. They leave to go prepare for the spell.

Later that day, Elena calls to invite Stefan to be her date and he instantly agrees but as he gets off the phone, he hears Damon's voice, "I'm thinking gardenia corsage. Wrist obviously, you don't want to accidentally stab her in the chest with the pin. Now, that could get messy," he jokes and Stefan looks worried.

"Damon, I-" he begins but Damon cuts him off.

"Relax, brother, I'm rooting for you. If Elena falls back for good Stefan, Jessica won't break up with me so I'll be happy with her sister. For being the best person I know, Jessica sure does think she's a terrible person," he says, concerned, before walking out of the parlor to get ready for the dance, thinking about how this will be the first time he wouldn't be going with Jessica and he can't help but feel that he ruined everything between them.

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