Chapter 21- The Departed

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3rd Person P.O.V.

As Jessica sleeps in the back seat, the Salvatores talk about her, Klaus, and Alaric. "I don't get it, Klaus threatens Jessica's life at the school but then can't bring himself to drain Elena. I knew Klaus in the 20s and he was almost as ruthless as me. And I can't believe that I let my need for revenge against him put her in danger and doubt her when she said he sired us," Stefan rambles and Damon laughs, making Stefan shoot him a confused look.

"Oh, dear brother, you've fallen into her trap of guilt," he says before elaborating. "Jessica has this way about her that she could make even the devil feel guilty for hurting her. As for Klaus, he's in love with her. Rebekah confirmed as much to me, not to mention that I saw the anger in his eyes when he saw me after Jessica told him that I'd manipulated her into a threesome for information. That's why he couldn't drain Elena, it's the same reason he sent a hybrid and Kol after Jeremy because he can't directly hurt her. The only reason he took her hostage was because Jessica must've told him how Ric was acting when he grabbed her. She's pretty brilliant that way," Damon compliments the sleeping brunette.

"You really love her, don't you?" Stefan questions. "I've never seen you like this, even with Katherine." Damon snorts.

"I never really loved Katherine. I loved Jessica Carter and when she left after you kissed her, it hurt. I got back from the war I had only enlisted in to marry her, and she was gone but Katherine was there and I could accept her vampirism because Jessica was part vampire too," Damon confides, realizing how odd it is that Jessica Gilbert and Jessica Carter were the same species but he shakes it off as his phone rings, waking Jessica up.

Jeremy was calling, saying Elena passed out so he took her to the hospital. They scold him before they decide someone has to go back with her. Damon tells Stefan to go and he offers to take Jessica but she said she needed to save Ric. Jessica and Damon continue driving late in the night when Elena calls with a negotiation from Elijah. He offers to take Klaus and leave him desiccated until Elena dies. Stefan tells Elena it's up to her and she agrees so Damon takes them to a storage warehouse where they'll wait for Rebekah. Elijah thanks Elena and goes to leave, only to see Meredith.

"Elijah," she gasps, not knowing he was there. She suddenly regrets coming to check on her sister.

"Meredith, you look as beautiful as ever," he compliments and she almost blushes until she remembered what Jessica said about not taking Damon's crap and decides to channel her inner Jessica.

"You don't get to do that," she snaps, attempting to push past him but he stops her, gently grabbing her arm.

"Do what?" He asks in genuine confusion.

"Come here and flirt with me like you didn't leave me because you decided that I could do better. You don't get to come back just to leave again. I really like you, Elijah. I gave you the one thing I can never take back because I thought you cared too, but you don't. You're more worried about your noble reputation than anyone else," she spits, snatching her arms away, continuing into the kitchen feeling satisfied and like Jessica would be proud, while Elijah stands staring at her back, shocked at her outburst but feeling his emotions for her swell seeing that she had changed while he was gone. He shakes the thoughts off and leaves.

Jessica and Damon wait at the storagehouse for Bonnie, who is supposed to do a spell on Klaus so Ric can't find him. She finally arrives and Damon takes her to the storage container and she asks for a moment to gloat so Damon and Jessica leave, walking into another storage unit. "I don't get why Bonnie is doing this. A) I could do this spell and B) we need Ric here so I can bring him back," Jessica points out.

"Well, Bonnie is doing it in case your magic is still wacked out from whatever Ric did and we need her to do this so we can hand Klaus over," he says and she huffs. Damon looks at her and smiles and before long, she turns to him.

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