Chapter 12- Bringing Out the Dead

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3rd Person P.O.V.

At Klaus' newly renovated mansion, Elijah and Klaus discuss Elijah's undaggering. After discovering that Klaus hadn't removed the dagger, Elijah attacks Klaus. They eventually find the room Klaus had placed the coffins and Klaus removes the dagger from his brother Kol, threatening Elijah with the dagger. Klaus tells his brother that Mikael is dead, thanks to Jessica, and that Stefan had stolen their family before daggering Kol once more and explaining to Elijah that Stefan has a very important coffin which he must possess before undaggering the rest of their siblings. Elijah agrees, feeling a piece of paper in his jacket pocket, not trusting his brother in the slightest.

Later that day, Damon heads to a field to meet with Elijah while on the phone with Elena, Meredith, and Ric. As he sees Elijah, he hangs up before explaining the plan to the original. "Look, all we need you to do is host a dinner to make Klaus think we're negotiating while Bonnie opens the coffin and whatever's inside kills Klaus, you get your family and everybody wins," he says with a smirk and Elijah thinks it over.

"If we are to go through with this, it would be best if Jessica attends as well. My brother seems to care for her and she has the power to keep him in check if necessary," he says as Damon winces.

"Yeah, that's not going to happen," he says and Elijah looks at him confused, so he explains. "Let's just say that Jessica hasn't been very social with anyone whose name isn't Caroline as of late and she's not a big fan of any of the people that will be attending this dinner. Not to mention that she says not to open the coffin because whatever's inside will kill us all so Bonnie might have lied and said she wouldn't open it," he says and Elijah sighs.

"Fine. It will take some convincing but come to my brother's house this evening around 8 o'clock," he tells Damon before walking away.

Across town at the grill, Elena sits at a table talking to Matt, who, next to Caroline, has the best relationship with her eldest sister. "I just don't know what to do. How do you tell your sister that you kissed her boyfriend because you missed his brother and didn't think about how it would affect her?" She asks.

"Do you have feelings for Damon?" Matt questions in response.

"No, at least I don't think so," she sighs frustratedly. "All I know is that something changed between Damon and me since Stefan turned off his emotions, but I don't want to be with Damon. I want to be with Stefan, and now I've gone and ruined things between Jessica and Damon," she sighs, unable to think of a way to fix her colossal mistake and, unluckily for her, Matt doesn't know how either.

"Look, Elena, this is Jessica and you're her sister. Try talking to her. I gotta get back to work," he says, before standing and heading back to the kitchen, leaving Elena to sit by herself. She hears someone sit across from her, and looks up from her lap to see Elijah.

She gasps. "I thought Klaus daggered you," she states, worried about why he is there. Elijah smiles kindly at the young doppelgänger.

"Yes, I was but thanks to your friend Damon, I am no longer," he informs her before sighing. "I do apologize but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation and I believe that I might have some advice. When I was a young boy, there was a girl in my village named Jessica. She was very much like your sister in more ways than looks and name. Jessica had a temper, being a werewolf, but there was always a way to earn forgiveness. She was very big on honesty, loyalty, and trust, as is your sister. Be honest with her about what happened and I am sure she will forgive you. After all, family is everything. Your sister told me that once," he tells Elena, before standing to head out of the grill.

He is almost to the door when a voice stops him. "That was nice," Meredith says as Elijah turns to look at her in shock. "You didn't have any reason to comfort her, yet you did anyway," she says, sounding shocked.

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