Chapter 36- Because of the Night

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3rd Person P.O.V.

As Damon takes Elena to New York under the guise of enjoying her lack of humanity, Klaus makes his way to the Salvatore house at the request of the younger Salvatore in the hopes of seeing Jessica. He knows that she turned her humanity off the night before but he is hoping that he was just imagining it, yet judging from the fact that he woke up on the floor with neck pains, he knows it is hopeless. He walks in to find Caroline drinking what's left in the cups from Elena's party as Tyler had put the Lockwood mansion in Matt's name and left an apology letter for Caroline. Even if they were broken up and she kind of hated him, it was easier to say she was drinking for him than because she felt guilty about her feelings for Klaus.

Klaus and Caroline banter a little, talking about Tyler but neither bring up Jessica. Stefan comes in to explain that Silas had been stealing blood bags from the blood bank and reiterating that Silas wants to bring down the veil, letting everyone on the other side get a crack at Klaus. He agrees to help and they head to Shane's office to see what they can find.

In some karaoke bar a few miles out of town, a newly humanity-less Jessica is drinking the night, and day, away when her phone goes off again. She sighs loudly, grabbing her phone and heading outside. First, she sees a few messages from Damon. Day-Day ❤- Hey, not sure if you heard but I took Elena out of town. Think it's best. Day-Day ❤- We're in New York in case you were worried. I had a friend that's dead now. Think he might have a lead on Katherine and the cure. We have a chance to get Elena back. Day-Day ❤- Maybe you could join us out here. New York is fun plus Rebekah is here so you can get revenge on her and Katherine.

She reads the messages and rolls her eyes. Of course, they're trying to make Elena boring again. Jessica sends her a warning text before opening her other messages. Nikki😜- Call me. I'm sorry about last night but you will regret it if you hurt someone with your humanity off. Another eyes roll at that one and she deletes it before opening the last one. Carebear💕💋- Hey, I don't know if Klaus told you but he's with Stefan and me looking into the whole Expression thing and I know you're kind of an expert. We r @ Shane's office if you want to help. Luv u!

She's about to delete that message too when a thought occurs to her. Klaus is with Caroline and Stefan yet he didn't tell them that she turned off her humanity. A wicked smile forms on her face as she leaves the bar and gets into her car, sober with her plan, and drives to Shane's office. By the time she arrives, it's night and she lets herself in. She can hear their voice and manages to make out Klaus say, "Does he? Don't underestimate the allure of darkness, Stefan. Even the purest hearts are drawn to it." She hears Caroline scoff as she pushes the door open.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Nikki," she says, grinning with a glint in her eye that would make the devil shit himself.

"Jessica," he responds clearing his throat. "What are you doing here?"

Her grin doesn't falter with her reply. "Well, Caroline texted me that you were looking into Expression and well, I know everything there is to know," she brags before looking for a map, which she quickly finds, laying it on the table. "You see, Expression is about sacrifice, but not just any, three specific sets of 12. The humans at the council are one group but the second group is the one that tells you which set the witch is going for."

"And what was the second group?" Caroline questions in interest.

"Demons, otherwise known as Klaus' hybrid failures."

"I wouldn't call them failures," he retorts, upset with the insinuation but he begins to think he should've kept his mouth shut when Jessica spins on him.

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