Chapter 24- Liars, Douche Bags, & Cheaters

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Have you ever met someone that you clicked with instantly? The kind of person that as soon as you meet them, you know they'll be a huge part of your life because you're so similar it's crazy? I've experienced this two times in my life, once when I met Caroline in preschool and the second when I met Rebekah that day in the gym. Maybe that's why it's so hard to stay mad at her. Those are the thoughts I'm contemplating as I sit at the kitchen table while Elena drinks her blood bag so she can make it through the school day and Vivianne, who had arrived in town two days ago, is telling me about her failed retry with Klaus.

"Wait, so why'd he ask you to go with him then?" Meredith asks, far more into the story of how she and Klaus had fought because she wouldn't obey him.

"To try and forget Jessica," she sighs and I shoot my head towards her.

"That's so not true," I deny and she smirks.

"Really, because he told you as much before he left. You just don't have a knack for listening. I think that's why he got so angry, anyway. Because I look like you, I act like you sometimes, but I'll never be you and he didn't want the knock off." I sigh and set my cereal bowl in the sink before walking over to her and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"You deserve better than him anyway. You could sign up for high school and hope to meet a handsome guy there," I suggest and she looks at me.

"The only attractive, single guy at that school is Matt and Bekah'd have my head if I set my sights on him," she says and I feel myself deflate at the sound of her name, a fact that doesn't go unnoticed by Elena.

"You know you don't have to hate Rebekah because I don't like her, right?" she questions, and I sigh.

"Yes, I do. It's called solidarity, you should really learn it," I state, and Vivianne snorts.

"Yeah, then maybe you wouldn't fall for her boyfriend," she mutters but I know Elena hears so I kick her under the table.

"She apologized when we were in that cell. She said she just did it to save the rest of her family and that she had no idea about your plan, so I think you should forgive her," Elena suggests and I sigh.

"Fat chance," I grumble as I grab my jacket. "I'll see you all at school, I told Ty I'd come scare the deputies Carol has protecting him away so he can sneak Caroline in and out," I finish with a wink and walk out the door. I walk into the house as soon as I get there to see Tyler sighing at a bunch of people Carol says are there for his protection.

"More deputies?" Ty grumbles and I'm about to laugh when it suddenly catches in my throat at the person who enters the room.

"Not exactly. I was halfway to Chicago when I heard you were attacked. I had hoped to leave Mystic Falls for good, but duty calls," he smugly informs him before a grin overtakes his face. "It's good to see you, love. I must say, I have missed the contemptuous frown you always seem to be giving me." Tyler and Carol turn around in confusion to see me standing in the door. I step in the house, closing the door.

"Well what can I say, you show up here like an arrogant dick after making some great speech about how you were going to move on with Vivianne before sending her away, only to return right to where she is. It's as though you planned it to torture her," I remark mockingly. "Or maybe the big, bad hybrid wanted to hurt her the way she hurt him. After all, she played you good, had you really buying the whole goodie-goodie act she was selling. Must've sucked to find out it wasn't real." I see Tyler smirk at me, happy I am there to put Klaus in his place.

Klaus' face contorts in rage. "Really, well how are things with Damon, still in love with your sister?" He taunts and I laugh, causing confusion to befall his face.

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