Chapter 35- Bring It On!

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3rd Person P.O.V.

The morning after Elena Gilbert turned off her humanity, she wakes up at the boarding house in Damon's bed after burning her house to the ground. Meanwhile, Jessica wakes up in the bed of Niklaus Mikaelson after a night of passion. She smiles, remember the previous night, before gathering her clothes and getting dressed to go to her mansion and get ready for school. "Well love, I didn't take you for the type to do the walk of shame while the poor bloke is still asleep," a husky voice comes from the bed, making Jessica smile as she throws on her shirt before turning to him.

"I'm not doing the walk of shame," she responds, leaning down to kiss him. "I have this thing called school," she jokes. "I know, it's a real travesty." Klaus chuckles before pulling her back down on top of him. She can feel his morning wood through the sheets as he devours her mouth with his. "Nik, I have to go," she protests.

"Skip, you're smarter than everyone at that school. Stay in bed with your boyfriend," he counters and she pulls away with a grin.

"Oh, so we're dating now?" She queries and he chuckles.

"Well after your proclamation of love, I'd hope so," he taunts and she shoves him off.

"You've confessed love for me at least twice before last night so let's not throw stones in glass houses, Nikki. Besides, I have to go. I have to be at cheer practice. We have an important competition tomorrow," she tells him and he frowns until an idea pops into Jessica's head, making her smile and him smile in return. "I know, you can come watch me!"

"You want me to go to a cheerleading competition?" He questions incredulously, making her laugh.

"Why not, you love watching me cheer. You always told me that in Europe. Besides, I'm head cheerleader which means I'm front and center and I look mighty sexy in my short skirt," she whispers seductively in his ear.

"If you're going to keep talking like that, you better be prepared to miss school," he growls and Jessica giggles.

"See you later, Nik," she promises with a kiss before heading downstairs to grab her jacket and leave.


That day at school, Jessica approaches Caroline, anxious to share her news with her bestie. When the blonde vampire sees her, she runs up to her with a smile. "Hey, Jessica. I have great news. Damon said that the sire bond seems to still be working even with Elena's humanity off and he told her to have fun at school so I told her she could join the squad with us, you know since Rebekah's M.I.A," she says and Jessica's face falls.

"Caroline, she's acting. I told you all that it's linked to love. Why does nobody listen to me?" She questions exasperated.

Caroline flinches. "So she can't join the team?"

Jessica sighs. "She can be on the team so long as she doesn't do anything to screw it up because the second she starts acting like Stefan did, she's cut. I won't let her ruin our chances to win state, understood?" Caroline nods and Jessica grins again. "Great because I have something that I need to tell you, something big!" She tells her friend excitedly. Caroline takes her into an empty classroom and locks the door.

"Okay, spill."

"I slept with Nik," she confesses. "And now he says we're dating! And I know I should be upset about everything with Jer and Lena but this is helping take my mind off things and-" Caroline cuts her off.

"I get it, and I'm really happy for you Jess," she responds, trying to ignore the odd pang to her heart at the news. Jessica says all she needs to do now is tell Damon and everything will be great, before the bell rings and they go to class.

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