Chapter 9- You Lost the Coffins?

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Damon and I finally made up, Elena and I are on good terms, Caroline and Rebekah act civil when I'm around, I have an amazing twin sister that loves me, and Jeremy told Bonnie that he stills has feelings for Anna and now the two of them are together, not to mention that I saved Klaus so none of my friends died. I should be happy, right? Yeah, you'd think. Evidently, Klaus took it upon himself to set Stefan free, since he tackled Damon off him, even though I killed Mikael, which I didn't even get a thank you for, and Stefan, now free from his compulsion, decided to take Klaus' coffins that hold his family, which Stefan was told about by Rebekah.

Now, Klaus and Rebekah were already fighting as she has by no means forgiven him for killing their mother but he is now angry that she's gone and gotten their family kidnapped. Which is why, instead of hanging out with my boyfriend and trying to comfort Elena, I am being forced to sit around the mansion Klaus is having constructed as he fights with Rebekah. Elena and Damon are at the grill as Damon drinks away his brother's betrayal and Elena wallows with him because evidently, since I've come back, the two of them have become almost friends. Damon doesn't even look at Elena like he wishes she was dead when she disagrees with him, although I have to imagine anyone is better company than ripper Stefan, who I completely blame for the situation I am in. Speaking of.

"Oh my God!" I yell finally. "SHUT UP!" The siblings turn to me in shock, probably having forgot I was there. "Would you two stop arguing for 2 seconds? Rebekah, you shouldn't have told Ripper Stefan anything because A) he's a dick and B) even as a ripper he would've chosen Elena over you and you deserve so much better than second best," I tell her before turning to Klaus. "As for you, you can't blame everyone around you for the mistakes you made. You compelled him to turn off his humanity because you were irritated instead of just telling him to leave, then you compelled him to protect us, something he would've done anyway had he had his humanity, and as for the coffins, maybe you shouldn't go around daggering your family because they disappointed you or because you are so terrified of being alone that you dagger them so they can't leave," I tell him angrily.

"Jessica," he threatens but I cut him off.

"No, this is on you. You lost the coffins because of your choices, not Rebekah's, not mine, yours. And it would do you well to remember that you were the one who pardoned him in the first place when he didn't even kill Mikael. Rebekah and I did, something you didn't even thank me for, by the way. So Rebekah and I are leaving so that you can use your, otherwise useless, hybrids to find the coffins and return them. Preferably without me having to listen to you whine about how it's someone else's fault," I inform him before grabbing Rebekah's arm and leaving.

"You know where they are, don't you?" She asks in slight concern.

"Of course and Stefan is on the verge of an emotional break so he'll push Klaus until he caves and then the guilt will kick in. Elena will have her boyfriend back, Klaus will get a reality check, and you and I can focus on getting you a boyfriend that Klaus won't kill," I explain as we walk to my car, making her laugh.

We get back to my house and Caroline is waiting outside. "Tyler flooded the gym last night and when I confronted him, he got all pissed at me and said that I knew they were going to kill Klaus, and I think we broke up," she says, beginning to cry. I go to comfort her, but Rebekah beats me to it.

"Well he's an ass and you deserve better. Lucky for you, my brother is also an ass so we were just about to do an at-home spa day. You should join us," she invites Care, shocking both Caroline and me.

"Yeah, that sounds fun," Caroline agrees, wiping her tears away as I hug her.

"Great, then Caroline Elizabeth Forbes, I hereby extend a permanent invitation into my house," I say and she gives me a look.

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