Chapter 4- The Reckoning

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett, Elena Gilbert, and Tyler Lockwood are putting mouse traps in one of the classrooms in Mystic Falls high school for senior prank night, when Elena speaks up. "I just don't get it. Whenever we are around each other she says she forgives me, but it's like she doesn't and I just don't get it," she tells her best friends about her relationship with her sister.

"Well, you did kiss her boyfriend and she walked in on it happening. Not to mention, Jessica isn't really a forgiving person," Tyler tells the doppelgänger, making the girl remember that he is in there before replying.

"I didn't know that he thought I was Jessica. I thought he was talking to me and I thought he was going to die. I didn't mean to hurt her, I just felt guilty, you know? He was dying because he got bit trying to stop the sacrifice because he thought it was going to be me. Then I felt guilty because Jessica had died for me and I knew she would want Damon to be happy before he died and that's what I was trying to do," she attempts to explain.

"Well there had to be a better way to do it," Caroline says as the door opens and Matt walks in, making all the mousetraps go off.  "Matt!" Caroline chastises. Matt begins talking with Caroline and Tyler about 'making memories' as Caroline keeps telling them, while Elena can't help but think about her sister, who is in Alaric's classroom with Stefan. Elena decides to go meet up with them. "Where are you going?" Caroline asks before she can leave.

"I'm going to glue Alaric's desk shut. I'm making memories," she mocks before leaving, making Caroline laugh. When Elena gets into the hallway, she sees Tyler ordering people around, reminding her of Caroline, a thought that makes her smile as she walks out of one of the doors and right into a hard chest. She looks up and sees Klaus.

"There's my girl," he says, grabbing her arm and dragging her to the gym.

"What are you doing?" Elena asks scared, unknowingly alerting Stefan, who tells Meredith.

"Apparently, you need to be dead for me to make hybrids," he tells her. "But we're going to make sure it's true before we do anything," he informs her, walking into the gym. He uses his American accent, that Jessica always made fun of, to tell them that they had been caught. In the hallway, Caroline and Tyler are making out by the water fountain, when Rebekah interrupts them.

"You're Caroline, Jessica's best friend, which makes you Tyler. The werewolf," she says.

"And who are you?" Caroline asks, getting in between Rebekah and Tyler.

"I'm the new girl," Rebekah answers before snapping her neck and dragging him into the gym. As Rebekah arrives with Tyler, Meredith and Stefan enter the gym. Klaus looks at Meredith in shock.

"Jessica, I thought you were leaving town," Klaus says, in an almost scared tone that Rebekah doesn't quite understand.

Meredith sees Tyler and knows she needs to protect him. He's been so nice to her, even knowing she isn't Jessica. She puts on her best Jessica voice. "Let him go or I will kill you," she says, trying to be intimidating, and it would've worked, had her voice not quivered. Klaus scrutinizes her, realizing that something is wrong and Meredith begins to fidget. "I mean it?" She tries but this time, her voice cracks, giving away her fear.

Everyone stares at her confused, never having seen Jessica scared before, when they suddenly hear a voice coming from the door. "Oh come on, you can do better than that," Jessica taunts her twin, angry at her for assuming her identity, but angrier at her friends for not noticing. "You have to say it like you mean it. Like you actually have the power to kill them, because I do," Jessica says before focusing on Klaus. He takes a sharp intake of breath before he begins groaning in pain. Everyone turns to him and watches as an invisible knife carves the word LIAR into his forehead. Once it is done, everyone watches it, expecting it to heal, but for some reason, it scars, but the word stays.

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