Chapter 31- After School Special

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3rd Person P.O.V.

After Klaus' murder of Carol Lockwood, many things had happened. Damon and Jeremy had come home in an effort to comfort Jessica, who had been the closest to Carol of any of them besides Tyler. None of them could understand that she only felt grief when it was someone she was very close to like her parents and Ric. Liz had organized a memorial for Carol where they would name a deputy mayor in her place and everyone was in attendance besides Klaus and Vivianne who met at Klaus' mansion for Vivianne to coach him on how to win Jessica back.

During the service, Stefan had left to drink at the grill after seeing how close Damon and Elena were, even though Damon didn't take his longing eyes off the eldest Gilbert. Tyler had left, unable to take this knowing that it was his fault this had happened and, despite how much he hurt her, Caroline was worried for him. Jessica had also left the gym to trail the hallways, annoyed by the number of people who had asked if she was okay. Of course she was, she didn't even like Carol that much, after all, it was her that kept Jessica from winning Miss Mystic two times.

Jessica shakes these thoughts off, knowing it's inappropriate to speak, or in this case think, ill of the dead. She approaches the locker Ric used to keep weapons in and opens it, hoping to find a bottle of bourbon, when she feels a presence behind her and instantly knows who it is. "Well look who decided to show their face back in Mystic Falls. I'd say it's good to have you back but you know how I loathe lying," she snarks, turning to face a startled Rebekah.

"You're angry?" Rebekah asks and Jessica laughs.

"Oh no, why would I be angry? Because one of my best friends wasn't there for me when I lost my other best friend Sean, who went crazy and killed a bunch of people before himself. Or maybe because she wasn't there when my boyfriend chose my sister over me all because she walked into a trap I warned her about and got upset that it was, in fact, a trap, so she ran away, leaving me behind," Jessica snarls, slamming the locker about to storm off.

"Who told you I left?"

Jessica turns around confused. "I don't know, your brother, I think, why?"

"Because Nik daggered me," she tries to defend.

"Whatever, I told you it was a trap and you went anyway. I needed you, Rebekah. Caroline had other problems, what with Tyler cheating on her, and I couldn't expect her to just get over that to help me," she sneers at the blonde, who approaches her and hugs her.

"I'm sorry. I should have listened but I never imagined Nik would dagger me, knowing how it would affect you," she defends again and Jessica sighs.

"Fine, I guess I forgive you but only because I'm seriously lacking in friends right now." Rebekah laughs before looking around the darkened school.

"What are you doing here?"

"Klaus killed Carol Lockwood so they're holding a memorial."

"So you're angry at my brother?"

"I was already angry at him," Jessica scoffs before sighing. "Although I don't blame this on him. Tyler does but I think that's because he knows it's his fault. I warned him and the rest of the hybrids that Klaus would kill them for their disloyalty and that Ty was no alpha but they didn't listen. Apparently, they were going to trap him in a body, probably yours, and encase him in cement to be rid of him. Ty's bestie, Hayley, snitched them all out to Klaus though and he killed them all. Killed Carol in Tyler's place, probably because she asked." Rebekah nods, processing everything when a thought occurs to Jessica. "Wait, if you were daggered, who took it out since it obviously wasn't Klaus."

"I did," April says, announcing her presence before explaining that she overheard Caroline's phone call.

"Huh, that's usually my job," Jessica jokes with Rebekah before her face goes serious. "Why wouldn't Caroline pull it out though? I mean, she may not have liked you at first but she does now. You're her friend."

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