Chapter 32- Stupid Mikaelsons

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Jessica's P.O.V.

God, I think the only Mikaelson that I can actually stand is Rebekah. First, Klaus accuses me of playing distraction and I get pissed so he goes to Vivianne, who tells him that he needs to make it right so what does he do? He goes to the lakehouse and turns a whole bunch of people and compels them to go after Matt so Jeremy will have to kill them. Luckily, Kol showed up to kill them all as he promised, since we were friends, but he left something out. He didn't do it for Jeremy or me, he did it because he is scared of Silas, who is apparently on the island so he not only killed all Klaus' vampires, he compelled Damon to kill Jeremy.

Which is why I am currently walking into the Salvatore boarding house to try and override the compulsion so Elena and Jeremy don't go through on their plan to kill him before I can check his facts. I walk down the stairs of the cellar and hear Klaus' voice. Great, I think, I never would've come if I knew he was here. I shake off the thought and listen. "Ah, yes, for the love of Elena. How is it that she manages to overlook every horrific thing you've ever done? Is it willful ignorance, or perhaps something more pathological?" Klaus hints.

"Some people are just more capable of forgiveness than others. Bet you score about a negative 500 in that realm," Damon counters.

"Come on. There must be a secret. It can't just be the sire bond. What is it? Compulsion? Manipulation? What is it you say to her?" He asks and I can hear the desperation behind the curiosity.

"I think this has something to do with a certain blonde vampire and her brunette bestie," Damon taunts. "I think you murdered Carol Lockwood, and I think you're worried that they're never going to forgive you." I get so caught up in thinking about this and wondering why Klaus thinks I care that he killed Carol, that I miss his response and hear Damon reply, "If you're gonna be bad, be bad with a purpose. Otherwise, you're just not worth forgiving."

I roll my eyes and make my presence known. "Or you know, don't be bad at all just because it's easier 'cause let me let you in on a little secret, it's not that hard to toe the line between good and bad. The pair of you should try it," I suggest and Damon shoots to the door.

"Jess, what are you doing here?" He questions, worried, and then his face contorts in guilt. "I'm sorry I couldn't fight Kol's compulsion and tried to kill Jeremy." I smile at him and open the cellar stepping inside.

"Well, that's why I am here," I say and can feel the confusion on them. "I want to try and use my compulsion to override Kol's. Vivianne told me once that my compulsion works on anyone who has a weaker will than I do and that's why I can compel originals and originals can compel normal vampires. My hope is that since an original's compulsion overrides a regular vampire's, maybe my compulsion can override an original's," I explain.

Damon thinks about it before nodding. "Do it."

I focus, looking deep into his eyes before speaking, "Forget what Kol told you. You won't try and kill Jeremy. You feel the same way you felt before he compelled you." Once I finish, I turn to Klaus. "Compel him and ask how he feels about Jeremy to see if it works."

He nods and steps in front of Damon. "How do you feel about Jeremy Gilbert?"

"He's Jessica's little brother. He's a pain in my ass but I need to protect him because she would be devastated if he died," he answers in a monotone voice before he grins. "It worked!" He exclaims, rushing to me and hugging me tightly.

"Great because I need your help with something, both of you," I say, seeing Klaus trying to leave. I begin explaining my plan to them. "I have a theory. I think that my powers extend further than I realized. I can see everyone's past when I touch them and if I let it in, I can read their minds but that's harder to control so I try not to use it because I don't want to be scarred for life. But I think my power to see the past can let me go into the past," I tell them. "I want to try and use this power to see the true story of Silas to see if Kol is right and we should leave the cure alone. I've been working on a cure myself that would take longer than going to the island but I need to know if Silas will destroy everything when he wakes."

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