Chapter 10- Our Town

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A/N: I obviously know that the timeline in the show is different but for the purpose of my book the timelines are different in many chapters so go with it.

3rd Person P.O.V.

It had been a week since Klaus threatened Elena and Damon. A week since he got Tyler to take Jeremy's ring before compelling him to stand in front of a car, that Alaric got hit by instead. A week since Damon compelled Jeremy to leave town with Anna after Elena, Meredith, and Alaric decided it would be best. A week since Klaus had daggered his sister for her indiscretions.

A week since Elena, upset about the events of the day and missing Stefan had kissed her sister's boyfriend before he pushed her away and she apologized, not knowing what came over her. A week since Klaus had a hybrid trailing the two that took a picture of the kiss, sending it to Klaus, who in turn sent it to Jessica to distract her from his indiscretions. A week since Jessica saw the picture that absolutely broke her heart but most importantly, a week since anyone has seen the eldest Gilbert.

Jessica has just disappeared and nobody has heard from her, as far as anyone knows, and everyone is getting worried. Except for her best friend Caroline, the one person who knows everything, which is the only reason she hasn't told anybody she's talking to Jessica, plus she has Tyler problems. She hasn't talked to him since he yelled at her and accused her of trying to kill Klaus so when he approaches her on her way into the school, she really isn't in a good place. She's depressed about her birthday since she died at 17 and she's depressed that Jessica is depressed and even if the brunette doesn't realize it, she tends to push her moods and emotions on people because her personality is so contagious.

Tyler apologizes for accusing her and his involvement with almost getting Jeremy killed, something Caroline realizes that she had forgotten to mention to her bestie. He then gives her a gift, telling her happy birthday. "And give Jessica my best because I know that she has to talk to somebody and that person would be you," he says knowingly. Caroline, now more depressed than when she got there, gets back in her car and heads to Jessica's house.

Meanwhile, in Alaric's classroom, Elena, Damon, Ric, and Bonnie, who has just learned about the Jeremy situation, stand around Alaric's desk while his phone is on speakerphone with Meredith. "Look, I can knock but that doesn't mean she'll answer. Whatever happened is bad," she tells them from inside her car. "She sent Vivianne to tell me to tell everyone to leave her alone and now I can't even get Vivianne to talk to me," she confides.

"She hasn't left her house in a week," Damon points out, standing as far from Elena as possible so as to not give her any more ideas. "She might not even be in there or what if she is and something's wrong," he states, beginning to worry, scaring everyone else since Damon is usually controlled.

"She's not hurt or anything or I'd be able to go inside and she's home because her car is here and I can sense her magic coming from inside," Meredith says before ringing the doorbell. Everyone can hear the chiming over the phone. They all wait in anticipation for the door to open, but it doesn't. "Jessica, it's Mer. Please open up. Everyone is worried and today is Caroline's birthday. Don't you want to spend it with her?" Meredith asks, hoping this will make her come out.

She feels something hit her head and looks at her feet to see a ball of paper. She opens it and reads it aloud. "To whom it may concern, go away. I don't want to talk. If you can't come in, most people would take the hint. If you have received this, you have not. If you don't get off my property, I will call the police or worse. Sincerely, the extremely serious owner."

"What the Hell are you reading?" Alaric wonders.

"I think Jessica threw a note at me from her window," Meredith complains, before Vivianne suddenly appears in front of her.

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