Chapter 33- Down the Rabbit Hole

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3rd Person P.O.V.

While Jessica sits in the Gilbert house, sleeping on the couch after yelling at Klaus for not telling them where the sword is, Klaus watches her sleep. He wonders if she meant what she told him a few hours earlier and if she did, if his refusal to give up the sword will revert the progress he had made to the beginning. He watches her as the sunlight reveals her delicate features, which look so peaceful when she sleeps, rather than the disappointment he sees on her face when she is awake.

It reminds him of the teenager he met in Europe, the one that told him that he was blocking her light and left him on the beach, showing no fear whatsoever. The beautiful young woman that he couldn't help but track down because he felt as though he might explode if he couldn't find her.

He is broken out of his thoughts when the door opens, revealing Tyler and Caroline. He hides his emotions so they don't see what he feels for Jessica, even though he knows that Caroline knows. "Found this in your attic," he states, holding up the sword. He turns to Jessica, about to wake her up, but Vivianne comes down the stairs.

"Don't. Let her sleep, she needs it. Besides, we have the tattoo," she explains, showing them Klaus' drawing.

"Who did this?" Caroline asks and Vivianne motions to the original.

"He did, he just wouldn't give up the sword," she reveals and Tyler holds it blade down.

"Well, I was playing around with the handle on the ride over, and I found this." He turns the handle to reveal some kind of symbols.

"And what do you think 'this' is?" Klaus taunts, thinking they won't know, but Caroline does.

"It's called a cryptex." They all look at her in wonder and slight confusion. "I've seen The da Vinci Code. You turn the different sides to the different symbols to get the translation on the other side. All we have to do is match it up with the drawing of the tattoo." She turns to Klaus. "If you happened to want to help, we wouldn't stop you."

He laughs. "Right. Well, might I suggest using the magic of the internet to purchase an Aramaic-to-English dictionary from your nearest retailer," he informs them quietly, careful not to wake up Jessica and they all realize they've been a bit loud.

"What's Aramaic?" Tyler questions.

"It's a dead language. It hasn't been used since, like, biblical times," Caroline answers, worried about her friends.

"Qetsiyah's native tongue, I'm guessing. You know, even if you had the best dictionary in the world, it could take days to translate. Perhaps weeks. In bas so-teen-too ara-ma-eet," Klaus smirks.

"What does that mean?" Caroline asks confused.

"If only you spoke Aramaic," comes a sleepy voice from the couch. "He's taunting you."

Klaus looks at the brunette in shock. "You speak Aramaic?"

"I speak lots of things," she yawns before turning to her friends. "Caroline, call Elena, put it on speaker and I'll translate the stupid tattoo," she orders and Tyler hands her the sword while Vivianne leaves to get her a coffee. Jessica sits down, translating the tattoo and writing it on a piece of paper, ignoring Tyler taunting Klaus. As she finishes, something washes over her and she feels an overwhelming need to go to the woods near her house. "Ok, well it's all translated so have Caroline relay it to Elena as needed but it's mostly about getting the cure and a hunter's purpose. They already know where to go because I showed them," she tells Tyler grabbing her coat.

"Where are you going?" He responds and she shrugs.

"I forgot that I had something to do. There's nothing else that I can do anyway so, I'll be on my way," she answers, walking out and following her senses into the woods. She stops in the center of a canopy of trees, it truly is beautiful, she thinks when she hears a voice she never thought she'd hear again behind her.

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