Chapter 37- American Gothic

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Rebekah, Elena, and Jessica have been locked in the car together for hours. Elena and Rebekah have been bickering since they left New York and it was beginning to irritate Jessica, who's been following her instincts, expecting them to lead them all to Katherine. And, according to her instincts, they were close, which is why she slams on her break, effectively shutting the two vampires up and pulls over. "Get out!" She demands.

"What, no," Elena denies.

"Yes," Jessica snarl. "I've been listening to you two for hours. I can tell you that Katherine is close, either in this town or a few towns over but for now, I need to get away from you two before my humanity snaps on and I vaporize all of Pennsylvania," she threatens and they both immediately get out of the car with Jessica following.

"Fine, I'm hungry anyway," Elena retorts, spotting some girl exiting a store and heading to her car. She walks over to her and is about to bite her when the girl speaks.

"Katherine, what are you doing?" She says, shocking everyone. While Elena and Rebekah question the girl, who only knows Katherine while talking to Elena, Jessica figures it out.

"My God, she compelled the town to not know who she was unless they were talking to her," she speaks and Rebekah and Elena look at her in surprise. "Guess the slut's not as dumb as I thought," Jessica finishes. Elena lets her meal go, more focused on the fact that they found Katherine than feeding now. Rebekah suggests going to the post office and Elena agrees, both turning to Jessica. "Yeah, you guys go ahead. I'm gonna check out the town, try and figure out this secret. Text me if you find her," she mumbles, walking away. The two vampires shrug and head to their new destination.

Rebekah decides to scope the place out while Elena talks to a mailman. He tells her that Katherine was just there and Elena turns, only to be caught by Katherine. She's about to kill Elena when Rebekah shows up, overpowering her, and forcing her to follow them. Elena texts Jessica while they walk to some diner that looks like the only place to eat in this town.

They walk in and some waitress approaches them. "Sit wherever you like," she instructs and they sit in a booth while the waitress approaches them handing them three menus.

"Actually, we're waiting on another," Elena tells her and she gets another menu.

"Oh, which Salvatore did you bring with you, Elena? Stefan? Or are you with Damon now?" Katherine taunts.

"Neither, they didn't like the new me, I guess," she says.

Katherine studies her. "You turned it off. Too bad for poor little Jessica."

"Actually, it's poor little Meredith now and I recently learned that I'm older than you so you should show a little respect, Kitty Kat," Jessica snarks, sliding into the booth next to Elena as Rebekah is sitting with Katherine.

Katherine looks at Jessica terrified. "Jessica, what are you doing here? Look if this is about Jeremy, I didn't know Silas would kill him," she swears, remembering Klaus flinching away in fear, and anybody who can scare him, Katherine knows not to piss off.

Jessica, however, simply shrugs. "People die, people get cheated on, you turn off your humanity and move the fuck on," Jessica states and Katherine looks at her in shock, wondering when she turned. Rebekah starts going through Katherine's pockets.

"I don't have the cure on me," she protests as Rebekah takes out her phone, passing it to Elena.

"I didn't think you did. But I'm sure there's something in that, that can help us find it," she responds and Katherine goes to protest but Jessica cuts her off.

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