Chapter 38- Prom and Attempted Murder

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I let Elijah drive me to the Mikaelson mansion and got to sit through Klaus and Rebekah make arguments that I'm not actually paying attention to as I'm busy texting Meredith and Vivianne. Meredith told me that Elena came back with the Salvatores and I told her Elijah's at the Mikaelson mansion so she's on her way. Vivianne told me that a college admissions officer from the University of New Orleans called and she set up an appointment. She sends me the info and I tell her that with my new predicament I might need her to go and she agrees.

"And yet here I am presenting my case to a brother who doesn't even have the bloody cure since the person who does isn't even paying attention," Klaus yells, throwing something against the wall so I glance at him.

"I got the gist of it and I'll have you know I was texting Vivianne because I have a meeting with a college admit officer, so fuck off," I say, flipping him off. They all look at me shocked.

"You're still planning on college?" Elijah asks.

"Of course she is," I hear Mer say and watch as Elijah pales.

"After all, this no emotion thing isn't permanent. I still have a future. A very bright one according to the University of Notre Dame and Harvard," I brag.

"I thought you ruled both those schools out because it snows there," Meredith counters and I grin.

"I did and I told them, they've been offering scholarships and such since but I don't do cold weather." She nods and I turn to the pair of siblings fighting over the cure. "Back to the problem, Bekah wants to be human because she thinks it'll make her happy, news flash, it won't. Klaus wants it to end Silas' torment so he's applying to the heart that Elijah has, and I don't, to convince him and I don't care who gets it but Silas is beginning to annoy me so I might just give it to Rebekah to spite him," I conclude and Klaus growls, making me smirk.

"I actually have an idea on how to test my sister's want," Elijah inputs, finally finding his voice under my sister's cold glare.

"I don't care if she's happy afterward or not," I point out and Meredith sighs.

"Hear him out, you might find the idea entertaining," she suggests and I grin, allowing it while I pretend to not notice Elijah mouth a thank you to my twin.

"I think we should give Rebekah a test, if she can go the whole night without using her vampire perks, then you can give her the cure," he proposes and I think about it.

"Why don't I just take her powers away so she can't?" I wonder.

"Because then we won't know if she can truly do it," he answers and I sigh.

"Fine, I think tonight will truly put it to the test," I smile.

"Why?" Demands Klaus angrily and I smile innocently at him.

"Because lover, tonight is prom and I remember how dejected Bekah was that I won homecoming queen. Turn that frown upside down, you might have your chance at the cure yet," I inform him. "Well, I'm off. As head of the prom committee, Caroline has been going off the instructions I've left, and if she doesn't like something, she ignores it so I have to make sure it gets done, so have fun with your bickering." I grab my purse and walk outside. I wait for a few moments and Meredith walks out.

She jumps when she sees me, making me laugh. "You scared me. I thought I'd have to catch up with you."

"Why, I knew you were coming, figured I might as well wait."

She scrutinizes me. "You don't seem that different."

I laugh again. "Of course I don't, it's not like a had a whole plethora of emotions before, now I just don't have any."

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