Chapter 3- Disturbing Behavior

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3rd Person P.O.V.

In Chicago, Klaus Mikaelson enters Gloria's bar, once again, with his sister, Rebekah, in tow. She had stabbed him when he came to get her and he had told her he did it for her own good. She ended up forgiving him when he didn't dagger her again after learning she didn't have the necklace Gloria needed. They got Rebekah some new clothes, and headed back to Gloria.

Gloria tries to find the necklace and after trying for several minutes, Rebekah suggests that she use her since she wore it for a thousand years and she agrees. She sees something and begins to tell them. " I found it," she tells them.

"So where is it?" Rebekah asks.

"It doesn't work like that, Doll. I get images. There's a girl with her friends," she tells them and Rebekah cuts her off.

"Yes, a dead girl with dead friends, if I don't get my necklace back," Rebekah snarls but Gloria sighs.

"Well we may not need the necklace because I think I know why your hybrid aren't working," she tells Klaus.

"Well don't just stand there, Love, spit it out," he says and Gloria rolls her eyes.

"The girl wearing the necklace, it was the doppelgänger. If I had to guess, I'd say your hybrids won't work until she's dead," Gloria tells her and Klaus sighs, thinking how to say what he needs to.

"I didn't kill that doppelgänger, I killed a different one but she came back. Are you saying that is why my hybrids keep failing?" He questions and Gloria nods.

"So long as the doppelgänger you used lives, your hybrids won't," she tells them and Rebekah shrugs.

"So we find the girl and we kill her, then you make your hybrids and I get my necklace back," Rebekah says as though it is simple, making Klaus lose his temper.

"We can't kill the doppelgänger," he grinds out. "There must be another way now FIND IT!" He shouts before storming out, leaving a shocked and confused Gloria and Rebekah behind, wondering what caused his outburst.

Back in Mystic Falls, Elena gives her necklace to Bonnie, who has finally come back to town, to figure out why it burned her. Bonnie does some tests and tells Elena that the necklace has magic of its own. They begin talking about it until they notice an unusually quiet Caroline, who has yet to contribute anything to the conversation. Elena, worried about what happened with her father, turns to the blonde in concern. "Are you okay?" She asks.

Caroline had been thinking about how angry Jessica must be with her. Damon had told her about her phone and even bought her a new one, but Jessica hadn't even tried to call her. She knew that Jessica knew about Meredith and now she hated her, and Caroline was afraid she would never come home. After hearing Elena's question, she snaps out of her thoughts. "Yeah, sorry I was just thinking," she says.

"About you dad?" Elena questions sympathetically, but to her confusion, Caroline shakes her head.

"No, about Jessica. I... did something. Well I didn't do it, somebody else did but I knew about it and deliberately kept it from her because I thought I was protecting her but then she found out and she was pissed. She called me 122 times while I was being held by my dad and when someone finally picked up, it was Damon and he said that she was beyond pissed, like even angrier at me than she was when she caught you kissing him, and now I'm worried that she hates me," she tells them without taking a breath.

"Just talk to her," Bonnie advises her friend. "She's never been able to stay mad at you."

"Yeah," Caroline mutters. "I hope you're right."

In New Orleans, Jessica lays in a pew, staring at the rafters of the church. She's hiding out from Marcel and Sean is in the attic talking to his uncle. She isn't sure if they know she is there or not. Eventually, she hears them coming down the stairs, talking. "I understand, Uncle Kieran, but Camille has just as much a right to know about all of this as I do," Sean says in an argumentative tone.

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