Chapter 27- Crazy Pants

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me? I told them that if anyone kills Conner they get the hunter's curse, so what do they do? Damon tells Elena to kill him. Sure, he doesn't know she's sired to him but still why would he even tell her that after I expressly told him not to? These are the thoughts going through my head as I wait for Jeremy to wake up after Elena killed him while hallucinating he was Conner.

"What am I going to say to him?" Elena asks, freaking out.

Damon shrugs. "Thanks for not ditching the family ring after it drove Ric crazy?" He suggests and I laugh but see Elena's glare so I cover it with a cough.

"Not really helping, Babe," I tell him and he starts arguing with Elena, saying she should've called Stefan, while I think of ways to rid her of the curse, maybe there's a way without finding a potential. Suddenly, the door opens and in walks Stefan.

"Hey," he greets.

"P.s. I called Stefan," Damon admits and I go over and kiss his cheek. Elena excuses herself to go clean up and as soon as she leaves, Jeremy wakes up.

"Heya Jerbear, welcome back to the land of the living," I say, hugging him.

"What happened?" He asks, breathing heavily and I explain everything to him, including the hunter's curse.

"Which is why, Vampire 1 & 2 are going to watch over her while you, Mer, Vivianne, and I are going to stay at my house and call Bonnie to try and find a solution alright?" I ask and he nods.

"Let me go get changed," he sighs and I shake my head.

"No need, I have a room with clothes for you at my house," I tell him and he looks at me confused. "What? I'm rich now Jeremy and that's not counting my Gilbert inheritance, I can afford it," I assure him before calling up to my two twins and we all head to my mansion. By the time we arrive, Bonnie is already on my porch waiting.

"Hey, Care's already inside," she tells us and I nod, inviting everybody inside. I'm about to walk in when Bonnie stops me. "Hey, can we talk?" I nod and we both sit on my porch steps looking out onto the well-kept lawn that can only be explained by my nature powers because I don't even own a lawnmower. "I'm sorry," she eventually sighs. "You were right, I was being judgemental and I don't understand what being a vampire is like or what being with one is like. I shouldn't have said what I said about Damon and Elena either, it was wrong and you were right to hit me."

"No, I wasn't," I deny. "I was right to deck Klaus later that night, but not you. I said some mean things too and I know better than anyone how anger can overtake you and you don't think about things. I'm sorry for punching you and saying that I can't stand you sometimes. Even if it's true, I shouldn't say it out loud," I tell her sincerely.

She looks at me before she giggles. "I forget how blunt you can be sometimes," she says hugging me. "Never change, Jessica."

"I probably wouldn't if I could," I joke before we both head into the house. I tell them about needing to find a potential and Bonnie says that she and Jer are meant to be at some occult exhibit with Shane.

"Right, so you guys interrogate professor creepy and see if he knows any other way to stop it and Care, Viv, Mer, and I will keep looking through grimoires," I direct and everybody nods. We only look for a couple more minutes before Damon texts me that Klaus took Elena. Caroline offers to go talk to him and we agree. I volunteer to get lunch at the grill so I head there, not knowing that's where Klaus was. I sit at the bar and the bartender pours me a shot of bourbon while I make my lunch order.

I sip my bourbon while I wait, only to feel Klaus behind me. "What's a pretty girl like you doing drinking at the bar alone," he flirts and I roll my eye.

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