Chapter 14- Dangerous Liaisons (Part 2)

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A/N This chapter is going to be longer because I have a lot of information to pack in. ~J😘😍

3rd Person P.O.V.

The Gilbert sisters, along with Vivianne, arrive at the grill to go meet Caroline before going dress shopping. Jessica introduces Caroline and Vivianne but tells Vivianne that if anyone asks, she's Meredith, to which Vivianne says she can play the part well. They are all sitting together while Elena asks Caroline to go to the ball since she had told the Salvatores she'd stay home. They're about 5 minutes into their argument when Rebekah walks in, holding an invitation. She looks around for Matt but catches sight of Jessica first.

She walks up to the girls with a smile. "Hello, Jessica, you look well," she says and Jessica gives her a look.

"Yeah, I'm much better than I was two weeks ago where I really could've used both my best friends but one of them decided to go talk to their psychotic brother instead so I had to deal with a lot of it alone since Caroline has her own problems," Jessica says very passive-aggressively and Rebekah picks up on it.

"I'm sorry okay, I should've listened but you must not be too mad otherwise you wouldn't have undaggered me and kept the daggers," she points out, making Jessica sigh.

"Maybe I didn't do it for you, maybe I did it because I loathe your brother and wish him misery," Jessica claims but Rebekah looks at her and she eventually cracks a smile, making Rebekah laugh.

"Oh, I'm sure that's true but you care about me as well, I can tell," she jokes.

"Whatever," Jessica laughs as Rebekah catches sight of Matt.

"Well, I'm off. I hope to see all you girls at the ball tonight and Caroline, I was hoping you'd get ready with Jessica and me," Rebekah says, shocking everybody but Jessica and Vivianne, before walking away to go invite Matt.

"Why is she inviting him to the ball?" Caroline asks and Jessica shoots her a look.

"Maybe because she likes Matt and wants him to be her date since she didn't get to go to homecoming with him," she says pointedly, shooting a glare towards Elena while Caroline sighs.

"I know, I'm sorry. I forgot that we were getting along what with Tyler biting me and my dad," Caroline apologizes to her friend, knowing that Jessica really wants her friends to get along.

Jessica smiles. "It's fine, let's go get dresses!" She says excitedly and Caroline knows that she has to go now or Jessica will think she isn't going because of Rebekah, so the four girls stand up and head to Whittmore, a town just outside Mystic Falls that has a dress shop as it is bigger. They walk around, picking dresses to try on and while Elena and Caroline are in the dressing room, Jessica begins to tell Vivianne her plan. "Nobody but us knows that you're alive, right?"

"Right," Vivianne confirms, unsure where Jessica was going with this.

"So that gives us an advantage over Esther. If we go to the ball dressed the same and you go in through the back, making sure we are never in the same room at the same time," Jessica begins.

"Then I can go to the meeting with Esther while you enjoy the dance with Damon and none of the siblings would know that you were involved," Vivianne finishes, awed that Jessica had thought of this plan and not her.

"Exactly, but we don't have to do it if you don't want," Jessica says and Vivianne shoots her a look.

"Are you kidding me, I've been dead for 3 centuries Jess, I haven't been able to screw with people since Klaus. I'd love to be a part of this," she answers, unaware that Caroline has walked up.

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