Chapter 6- Ghost World

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Damon Salvatore wakes up tied to a chair with a fireplace poker through his chest and begins to have flashbacks of Jules, when Stefan walks into the parlor. "Low blow, Stefan. Low blow," Damon tells his brother.

"What the hell happened to you?" Stefan asks, admiring the work of whoever tied up his brother.

"Whatever twisted ripper game this is, leave me out of it," Damon says and the brothers begin to argue so they don't hear Jessica arrive, or her quiet conversation with Vivianne.

"I don't know, okay? Bonnie sent Vicki away and it must have..." Jessica breaks off seeing Damon. "Messed something up," she finishes, looking at the scene in front of her confused.

"Gee, what gave you that idea?" Vivianne asks sarcastically and Jessica shoots her a glare. "Fine, I'll go bother someone else," she says and before Jessica can ask what she means, the ghost disappears and Jessica turns back to the fighting brothers.

"Well, isn't this kinky," she comments. "You do know you two are brothers and I'm pretty sure incest is illegal," she continues to joke, making the brothers glare at her until she sees a familiar face and her face pales worrying Damon. "You've got to be kidding me," she mutters.

"Jessica, what's wrong?" Damon questions but Jessica is focused on something behind him.

"Out of all the people to see, I have to see you," she says exasperatedly.

"You can see me?" Mason asks in shock.

"No, I'm talking to air. I see death didn't make you smarter. Glad some things never change," Jessica says and Mason glares at her before going to open the curtain. Jessica sees this however and tackles him to the ground and for a moment, the Salvatores see him before Jessica gets off him and frees Damon.

"I must be seeing things because I think I just saw Mason Lockwood," Damon says and Jessica looks at him in shock.

"You saw him?"

"Yeah when you were on top of him. We both did," Stefan tells her, and suddenly, Jessica closes her eyes and focuses all her energy on people seeing the ghosts of the other side and when she opens them, she sees the shocked look on the Salvatores' faces as they look at Mason.

Meanwhile, at the Grill, Jeremy, Ric, Elena, and Meredith sit on the patio while Elena tries to see if Jeremy can see Lexi. "I just thought since you could see Vicki, you might be able to see Lexi too," she explains and Meredith almost chokes on her drink.

"You can see ghosts," she asks her brother.

He laughs at her. "Yeah, and you would know that if you hadn't spent the summer staying away from me because you were pretending to be Jess," he jokes and Meredith blushes. Jeremy catches sight of Anna in the grill and turns back to his family. "I'm going to go, uh, check my work schedule." He goes into the grill and Meredith follows him.

"Jeremy, wait," she says and he stops turning to her. "I need to talk to you in secret, is there somewhere we can go?"

He nods and leads her to the kitchen, forgetting Anna. "What do you need to talk about?" He asks worriedly.

"You said that you could see ghosts if you have a connection to them but, I've been seeing ghosts, well a ghost and she says Jessica also sees her and I thought you might know why we were seeing ghosts, or more why I was," she tells him nervously, and he looks at her confused.

"I'm able to see ghosts because I died and I'm sure it's the same for Jess. If you want to know why you're seeing them, I'd talk to her," he tells her. "Jessica was always so much better than all of us at this," he says before going to leave, but she stops him.

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