Chapter 30- O Come, All Ye Faithful

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3rd Person P.O.V.

As Elena and Damon head to the Gilbert's lakehouse so Bonnie and Shane can help Jeremy not want to kill Elena, the others in Mystic Falls prepare for the Winter Wonderland charity event. As Jessica dresses in a winter-themed dress, Klaus finishes his painting of post-modernism when Stefan arrives at his mansion to bother him about the cure. "Elena is sired to Damon," he informs him after making a comment on Klaus' snowflake painting.

"I intuited as much," Klaus responds, annoyed by Stefan's presence.

"Which means I need to find the cure now more than ever and yet here you are making postmodern snowflakes," Stefan retorts. Klaus tells him that until Jeremy's mark is complete, he can't do anything more. Stefan claims to not believe him about having the sword to see where he is keeping it. Klaus opens his safe, revealing the sword, and Stefan leaves soon after. Once the former ripper is gone, Klaus wraps the sword in a sheet and transfers it to his attic before dressing in a dashing suit in hopes of seeing Jessica at the fundraiser she organized.

In the town square, Tyler approaches his ex-girlfriend to tell her about his plan to lock Klaus in his body and entomb himself in cement. Caroline begs him not to do it but Tyler won't listen. She rushes away, heading to the boarding house and revealing Tyler's plan. Stefan tells her that in order to get the cure, they need the sword Klaus has in his safe. Stefan convinces Caroline to distract Klaus while he retrieves it before Tyler can go through with his plan. Caroline stands outside the grill, sighing, before entering, only to notice who Klaus was about to approach. Caroline walks back outside dialing Stefan, who is quick to answer. "Hey, I think I just found us an even better distraction," she tells him, watching her best friend study the painting in front of her.

Jessica looks at the pretty painting of the snowflake surrounded by dark colors, when she senses Klaus' presence behind her. "Nice, snowflake," she jokes and he sighs.

"Is my work really that literal?" He grumbles and she laughs, making him smile, happy he made the angelic sound come out.

"Probably not but you know me, all art is literal to me," she continues her ruse and he laughs.

"Oh yes, I'm sure there is a Parisian elite unable to forget the beautiful American he couldn't explain art to," he chuckles.

"Oh I understand it," she says and he scrutinizes her.

"Really?" He challenges and she smiles.

"Yup, the snowflake is alone and surrounded by dark colors representing that you feel alone. You feel like you don't truly have anyone who cares about you and that feeling of loneliness is what brings about the darkness that everyone sees inside you." He looks at her shocked. He had forgotten how much she could tell about a person from tiny details. It was her specialty. She grins. "I've always been able to explain art, I just can't enjoy it because I don't quite get the point." She winks and he laughs again, grabbing two glasses of champagne off a passing tray.

"Would you like to spend the day with me, Jessica? It could be like old times," he suggests. Jessica unknowingly chews on her bottom lip, debating, before she agrees.

"Sure, sounds like fun," she smiles and he holds his arm out so she links hers with his, accepting the champagne.

At the lakehouse, Damon gets off the phone with his brother, who he lied to, saying he had let Elena go to break the sire bond. He walks into the living room to hear Shane ask Elena why she chose the lakehouse. "Every holiday, we came here. This place was family. And when mom and dad died, Jenna made us come here and we thought it was an awful idea, but it was like they were here with us. They would have wanted us to stick together, Jer. To fight for each other, no matter what," she answers and Bonnie smiles at both Gilberts while Shane turns to Jeremy.

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