Chapter 42- I Just Wanted To Enjoy Graduation

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Jessica's P.O.V.

The veil didn't go up. Yup, you heard that right. Bonnie couldn't bring the veil back up. According to Bonnie, she hit a snag. I am currently at the boarding house with Damon, who said he has no idea what to wear to graduation, which I think was just an excuse to spend time with me. I get off the three-way call between Bonnie, Care, and I and head into the boarding house to see Lexi slamming Damon against the wall. I sigh and suddenly Lexi is flung onto the couch. "Sorry," I yell. "The extra power makes things a little more difficult. I meant to move you a couple steps back," I explain and Damon grins, rushing at me.

"Mmm, I thought it was sexy," he whispers seductively and I snort.

"Okay, lover boy, I have a graduation to prepare for and unlike Stefan over there, I only plan to do it once," I say before dragging Damon upstairs and picking out a light blue dress shirt and a pair of his black jeans. "Casual, but hot," I compliment before kissing him and heading home to start my graduation prep.

I'm looking through my dresses and holding them all up in the mirror to find the right one, when I catch sight of someone I never thought I'd see again in the mirror. "Vicki?" I gasp and she grins.

"You know, I'm kinda bummed that you can see ghosts and you haven't thought about me at all," she jokes while I gape at her. After a few minutes, I collect myself and begin to question her.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, Bonnie dropped the veil and I thought, 'how can I miss my best friend and Matty's graduation'." She grins and I snort.

"Hate to break it to you Vik but we weren't exactly friends at the end, or did you forget that you ditched me for your stoner friends and didn't even ask how I was after my parents?"

"Jess," she starts but I cut her off.

"No, see I had a little revelation recently and I decided that I should worry about myself more and stop putting everyone else first. I always put you first, Vik, from the moment I met you, I had your back, but you never cared. You always thought I was too perfect and prissy and you chose everyone else over me. Well, this is my life, a complete supernatural mess. Not as great as you thought, is it?" I snarl as my phone chimes with a message from Elena. Sis💋- Conner @ Grill. Alaric went 2 stop. Wants Silas + cure.

I text a quick okay before leaving Vicki and heading to the grill. I walk in to hear Ric say, "This is my bar, pal. Nobody's gonna blow it up." I see Conner hold up the detonator and I focus on it flying into my hand, not farther, and it actually works. Both pairs of eyes shoot to me, who's holding the detonator.

"Holy shit, did you see that, Ric? I think I'm learning control again," I smile and he grins back. Conner tries to charge me to get the detonator but before he can take too many steps, his heart is ripped from his chest.

"Well, that is no way to treat such a gorgeous woman, now is it?" Kol questions, dropping Conner's heart onto his body.

"Huh, I guess you can kill what's already dead," I joke and he smiles before hugging me.

"Congrats on making it to graduation, sorry I won't be there," he apologizes and I shrug.

"I didn't think you would show when you were alive so." He laughs and Alaric looks at us confused.

"I don't understand how you two are friends," he says. Instead of explaining that I grew up with the Mikaelson's as Jessica Carter, I walk over to Ric and touch his temple, projecting it into his mind. "What was that?"

"That was my memories from dreams when I was a kid. I created Jessica Carter, not very original I guess, using my same first name," I tease and he smiles as I catch the time over his shoulder. "Shit, I have to finish getting ready for graduation, or Caroline will have my head." I speed back to my house and finally pick out a pretty blue sundress before putting on my red gown. I walk downstairs to see Meredith donning her gown as well. I grab both of our caps and walk to my car, driving us to the school.

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