Chapter 17- The Murder of One

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, and Alaric Saltzman sit in Ric's apartment, widdling stakes out of the white oak Wickery Bridge sign. Damon feels guilty that he betrayed Jessica but he knows that killing Klaus is necessary. They finish the stakes and Damon turned to Stefan, who said he told everyone to meet them in the woods, so they take the stakes and go to the woods where Caroline, Elena, and Matt are waiting. "Where's Bonnie, I texted her too?" He asks and Caroline looks down.

"Her mom left again," she starts.

"We're going to leave her out of this one," Elena finishes and Stefan tells them about the stakes and how they have to kill the originals while they are still linked and Damon looks at him in shock.

"Stefan we can't kill them while they're linked or did you forget that your girlfriend linked her sister with them and almost killed her?" He asks venomously.

Stefan smirks at him. "How dumb are you Damon? You know how manipulative Jessica is and you know how close she is to the originals. She knew that if you found out that she was linked, you would do anything to protect her and you did and we lost our chance to kill them," he says.

"What about the sire link?" Elena asks. "Esther said that if she made them human, it would unlink everyone, but if we kill them, you guys die too," she reminds him and Stefan shoots her a look.

"Jessica was lying about that too, to protect her precious Klaus. Think about it, she died to make sure that he could be a hybrid and then she conveniently has an excuse to ensure that we don't kill him?" Stefan points out, making everyone question what Jessica had told them before Caroline speaks up.

"Well, I'm not doing this. I won't risk Jessica's life because no humanity Stefan doesn't believe what she said. I know Jessica and she might be manipulative but she would never lie about something like this," Caroline says before speeding away to Jessica's mansion. While she tells Jessica about the white oak, the Salvatores continue their planning before passing out the white oak. Damon takes his home and hides it with the wood before guilt overtakes him.

He knows that Caroline is right. Stefan is being driven by his anger and need for revenge and he doesn't care who gets hurt. As Damon ponders who to trust, Klaus and Rebekah arrive at the Mikaelson mansion with Finn. They bring Sage out and Finn gets happy and is far less suicidal. Klaus takes some of his blood before he leaves with Sage and turns to Rebekah. "I have something to do. What do you need from me for this spell?" Rebekah asks.

"Just your blood and your blessing. Where are you going?" Klaus questions in interest.

"I have unfinished business with Damon Salvatore. Ask Jessica what he did to her, although I doubt she'll tell you," she answers, walking out the door. Before Klaus can ponder this too much, Jessica walks determinedly through the front door. When she comes face to face with Klaus, a sour look passes her face.

"Where's Rebekah?" She demands, angry.

"She just went to do something to your boyfriend, who apparently did something to you," Klaus responds, hoping she'll elaborate and to his surprise, she does.

"Yeah, he talked me into a threesome with Bekah so I would accidentally get into her head and then he could get in mine while I was vulnerable. He found out about the white oak but I saw where it was, except it wasn't just on the bridge, apparently. According to Caroline, the sign was made of it as well and the Salvatores have made it into weapons so I'd really like to be unlinked before your actions kill me and my best friends thanks," she expresses, and Klaus looks at her.

"I'm sorry about Damon, I know how you care for him," he tells her in a surprisingly gentle tone.

"That Nik, the one who shows concern for people, even if he doesn't really understand what they're going through, that was the Niklaus who was my friend and I've really missed him," Jessica responds in the same tone and Klaus stares at her with his love evident in his eyes to anyone paying attention, which Jessica was not, but Bonnie was.

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