Chapter 20- Before Sunset

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3rd Person P.O.V.

That next morning, Jessica wakes up in her bed at her mansion, unsure of how she got there. She remembers falling asleep on Ric and then waking up here. She shrugs and gets out of bed to get dressed and help with the cleanup committee. She had started on the cafeteria when Rebekah shows up. "Hey, all up and not daggered I see," she tries to joke to keep her mind off Ric.

Rebekah smiles as her. "Yeah, surprisingly, Nik undaggered me."

"He probably felt weird having somebody besides him dagger you for once," she continues and Rebekah laughs before her face turns sympathetic.

"I'm sorry about Alaric."

"Yeah, well there was nothing I could do, they didn't even give me a chance," she shrugs. "Sorry about your mom I know that you loved her, even after what she did."

This time Rebekah shrugs and they clean in silence until Caroline shows up. "You're late. Cleanup committee started at 8," Rebekah scolds.

"It's like 8:02," Caroline shoots back.

"Exactly. I managed to turn up on time and I didn't even get to attend the dance that I organized," she points out and Caroline sighs.

"I'm sorry about your mom. I mean I know you like, hated her and everything, but still...I'm sorry."

"Sorry about your teacher, he seemed like a nice guy," Rebekah returns and both girls look at Jessica, who has her back to them but has stopped cleaning.

"Yeah, he was," Caroline says as Jessica cuts them off.

"I'm gonna get started on the gym," she informs them before walking into the hallway. The two blondes share a look before Rebekah goes to follow her friend, only to see Alaric blow some powder in Jessica's face, knocking her out.

"You're supposed to be dead," she whispers, catching Caroline's attention. Alaric goes after Bekah but Caroline saves her and both girls leave, forgetting about Jessica, who Alaric moves out of the way of danger before going after them. He catches Caroline as she tries to get into her car, slamming her head into a window to knock her out and then dragging her into the school and into his classroom before going into the hallway to carry Jessica in and lay her on the ground, placing his jacket under her head as a pillow.

Meanwhile, as Damon takes Bonnie to the Gilbert house, telling them that Ric turned and he dropped Jess off at her house, Rebekah runs into the Mikaelson mansion to tell Klaus about Alaric. "He's a vampire thanks to mother's spell with a white oak stake that can't kill him. He's strong, Nik. Too strong," she tells him before saying he's stuck in the high school without a daylight ring.

"Fine. I'll collect a doppelgänger and we'll be on our way," he says and Rebekah gawks.

"You don't need any more stupid hybrids! Leave it."

"What I need is protection from Esther's continued assaults against us," he argues.

"We'll protect each other, like we always have. Always and forever, Nik," she recites their promise. Klaus argues so Rebekah snaps. "I'm leaving now. You can either walk out that door with me or you are on your own." Klaus says nothing and she scoffs. " Fine. Trust your hybrids over your family. Let your spite be the death of you, see if I care." Rebekah storms out and Klaus leaves to go to the Gilbert house and hopefully convince Jessica or Vivianne to leave town with him.

He gets there and they won't let him in. The Salvatores and Klaus argue without realizing that Elena has slipped out the door after receiving a call from Alaric. Klaus soon realizes that Jessica most likely isn't there and heads to the house he bought her with Damon on his tail, only to be told by Meredith that Jessica went to the school for cleanup group.

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