Chapter 18- Heart Of Darkness

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Elena stands in the Salvatore Cellar talking to Ric as she hands him some supplies for him to use until his alter ego appears to give them the final white oak stake. "I just don't understand why we don't tell Jessica. She could find it in an instant and she'll be pissed if she finds out that you've been killing people and we've been deliberately keeping her out of it," Elena argues with him while Ric sighs.

"Look, Elena, I care about you, Meredith, and Jeremy but Jessica is like my daughter. I don't know what it is but since I've met her, I've felt like her father and a father's job is to protect his child so if I have to hide my murderous alter ego from her to protect her, then that's what I'll do," he says and Elena sighs deciding to change topics.

"Listen, Stefan is gonna watch over you for a little while. Now that Klaus knows where Jeremy is, it's not safe so, Damon and I are gonna go to Denver to pick him up," she says nervously.

"Why do you say that like you're waiting for me to disapprove?"

"I don't know. Me and Damon. Traveling across the country."

"I guess I'm more curious to hear what Stefan and Jessica have to say about it," he responds and Elena realizes that he doesn't know Jessica left town.

"Well, Jessica is in New Orleans helping a friend but she told Damon that he needs to resolve his feelings for me, whatever they are, and she wrote me a letter saying, and I quote, 'As Johnny Depp once said if you love two people chose the second because if you truly loved the first you wouldn't have fallen for the second' and Stefan thinks I have unresolved feeling for Damon."

"Do you?"

"I don't know. I don't think so, I don't want to. I know that if I do, Jessica will back off immediately and that makes it worse because I know how much she loves both of us," Elena confesses, feeling guilty that Jessica thinks she has feelings for Damon and even more worried that she might be right. Elena says goodbye to Alaric before saying goodbye to Stefan and leaving with Damon.

At the high school, Rebekah is planning a 20s dance and Caroline walks in talking to Jessica. "She's planning a 20s dance," she complains.

"So what, the 70s are lame. I love the 20s, just go with it," Jessica says laughing as she talks to Caroline from inside Rousseau's.

"So, I'm supposed to be planning this dance and we can't just do the twenties," Caroline whines and Jessica laughs again.

"Okay, think about it like this, Tyler is back, so start a fight with Bekah and then leave and she'll never know the difference and Klaus won't find out Ty is back," Jessica says and Caroline grins.

"Have I ever told you that I wish I had your brain?"

"A brain that is constantly plotting without trying or one that falls in love with someone that will choose everything over me?" Jessica asks self-deprecatingly, making Caroline sigh.

"Look, Damon and Elena are going to pick up Jeremy and Damon wants to use Rose to find out if Klaus turned her and when they get back, Damon is going to go back to you and tell you how much he loves you," Caroline swears but Jessica frowns.

"Why are they trying to ask Rose, do they not trust me?"

"Stefan doesn't but I think he is just hoping that you're lying so he can still kill Klaus," Caroline confides.

"Yeah well Rose was turned by a vampire named Mary Porter and from what I hear, she hung around all the original and if I hadn't seen Klaus turn her, I wouldn't be able to tell you which one sired her so they're wasting their time," Jessica responds before letting Caroline go spend time with Tyler.

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