Chapter 13- Dangerous Liaisons (Part 1)

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In case anyone was wondering, I get all my pictures and quotes from Pinterest so this is my citation of them. The same for my first book ~J😘😍

3rd Person P.O.V.

Jessica woke up in Damon's bed to see him staring at her while she slept. "Were you watching me sleep?" She questions in a husky, sleep laden voice.

"What can I say, you're beautiful," he jokes before his face turns serious. "I was worried that I would wake up today and you would be gone and everything would be a dream," he says and Jessica leans up and kisses him before whispering what she saw in her dream. "Why tell me?" He asks curiously, worried that she's upset he left her to talk to Elena.

"I don't want secrets, I think that's what keeps messing us up and I want to be with you because I love you, Damon Salvatore," she tells him and he grins wide before his eyes focus on her neck.

"That's pretty. I didn't realize you were religious," he points out, picking it up and reading the description.

Jessica studies him as she replies. "I'm not, but Sean is and he likes to spread his ideals. I guess I should be happy because I'm pretty sure Catholics believe that if you don't believe in God then you're going to hell so at least he's trying to save my soul," she says as Damon's face twitches before he responds.

"Sean, huh? You guys seem close," he comments and Jessica grins.

"Oh my God, I knew it. You're jealous of Sean," she makes fun of her boyfriend.

"Jealous," Damon scoff. "Why would I be jealous of some kid who got you to come out of your house on your birthday? Whose arms you ran and jumped into and then gave you not one but two family heirlooms and a cross with a kind of insulting message on it that you still wear, why would I be jealous of him?" Damon asks in bitter disbelief, while Jessica laughs.

"You have nothing to worry about, trust me," she tells him emphasizing nothing.

Damon gives her a look. "What is he gay or something?"

Jessica laughs. "Worse, he's a seminary student," she tells him and Damon gives her a questioning look that makes her giggle even more. "He's training to be a priest," she explains and he looks at her in shock. "Yeah and he's so incorruptible he wouldn't even let me cuss in the church he was always at. Do you know how hard that is?" She jokes, enjoying Damon's jealousy so he kisses her deeply.

When they pull away, he gives her a bright, genuine smile that she seems to be the only one to see. "How about you put on some clothes and we'll head to your house and I'll make breakfast," he suggests and Jessica knows he means the Gilbert house so she agrees and Damon leaves to talk to Stefan.

Jessica gets up and goes to Damon's drawer, borrowing a shirt, when the bathroom door opens. "Thank God, I thought he'd never leave. For a second there, I thought I was gonna have to hear a repeat of last night," Vivianne says as Jessica looks at her in shock.

"You're alive," Jessica states and Vivianne looks at her in surprise, wondering how she could tell.

"How did you know?"

"I can feel the power coming off you. You're a witch and a werewolf. How...?" Jessica begins as she touches Vivianne, accidentally seeing her recent memories and how Vivianne used her. "I brought you back?" She questions, not angry, making Vivianne thankful.

"Yeah, I keep telling you, you're more powerful than you realize," Vivianne replies as the door opens and Damon enters. He goes to speak but closes his mouth seeing two of them.

"Meredith, how did you get here and why?" He asks and Vivianne scoffs.

"First of all, Meredith has straight hair while Jess and I have curls so you should easily distinguish us," she tells him with her odd accent, making Damon look startled and Jessica sigh.

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