Chapter 22- Growing Pains

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3rd Person P.O.V.

After the events of the previous day, Mystic Falls was in chaos. While the Salvatore boys explain Elena's transition to her, Caroline comforts Matt in the hospital, mourning the supposed death of her boyfriend, Meredith mourns her sister's new vampirism and the loss of Elijah, who didn't even say goodbye. Pastor Young leads the charge to make Mystic Falls anti-vampire again by removing those Alaric revealed to be corrupt, and Alaric tries to be there for Elena and Jeremy after what he has done while he tries to figure it out.

As for Jessica, as much as she wants to be there for her sister, she has other things on her mind as she storms into the Mikaelson mansion to confront her best friend. "What the hell Rebekah?!" She shouts, slamming the blonde against the wall, using strength Rebekah didn't know she had.

"What... are... you...talking....about?" Rebekah gasps, unable to talk around Jessica's vice-like grip.

"Elena, I'm talking about Elena. You killed her for nothing!"

"It wasn't for nothing!" Rebekah shouts as Jessica lets her go. "Alaric would've continued to hunt us down. He already killed Nik, someone who you used to care about if you've forgotten."

"No, you killed her for nothing because Alaric isn't even dead!"

"What?" Rebekah gasps.

"I unlinked him from Elena and linked him to the white oak, you know so you guys wouldn't go after my sister, and then I brought the old Ric back to SAVE YOU! And how do you repay me? By killing my little sister. What a great friend you are Beks."

"I didn't know," she tries but she is silenced when Jessica slaps her so hard she falls to the floor.

"Yeah, well, knowing or not, my sister is a vampire and I'm pretty sure Klaus isn't even dead so congrats Bekah." Jessica turns to leave and takes a few steps towards the door before stopping and speaking without turning around. "You know, from the moment you got to this town I have defended you. To my friends, to my family, to Caroline. I cared about you, Rebekah. You were one of my best friends, and that is no easy feat, believe me, but after this, I don't think I can ever forgive you," she tells her friend sullenly before leaving the house.

Damon arrives soon after Jessica and he and Rebekah fight before an arrow comes through the window, piercing her heart. Damon leaves quickly, speeding back to the Gilbert house to find that Stefan and Elena had been taken. Jessica shows up a couple minutes later with Liz and Meredith Fell following. Damon checks the house while Jessica calls Ric for help. Damon is just confirming that Elena is gone when Matt enters the house.

Damon immediately slams him into the wall. "In what world are you the one that gets to live?!" He asks, knowing how guilty Jessica feels that she can't make Elena human again. Jessica rolls her eyes at Damon and takes a step to separate the two when Alaric walks in the house, gawking at the situation and throws Damon off Matt.

"Stop being a jackass," he scolds. "Jessica said Stefan and Elena are missing," he says as Liz pulls out her gun, pointing it at Ric. Jessica's eyes widen and she steps in between them.

"Woah, hang on there, Liz, it's Ric okay. Don't shoot," she says as the two vampires look at her incredulously.

"Why would you stand in between me and a gun Jessica?! What if she would've shot? I'm a vampire now and in case you forgot, you aren't," Ric scolds as Jessica holds her hands up, stepping out the way.

"Whatever. I know where they'd take them and Damon, you said Bekah is gone, right?" She questions her ex-boyfriend, or boyfriend, she isn't really sure what he is right now.

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