Chapter 29-Slumber Parties and Kidnappings

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Jessica's P.O.V.

As I gather my books at my locker, barely paying attention to Bonnie and Caroline, I can't help but allow my thoughts to drift to last night and this morning. The last thing I remember clearly is drinking at the grill and deciding that I needed to go home. After that, I have fuzzy memories of being at Klaus's house and talking to him, about what I don't know, but I remember kissing him and being pushed off with him saying he couldn't take advantage of me before I passed out.

This morning, I woke up in my bed at my mansion with a note from Nik stating that I fell asleep on his couch so he took me home and set aside a glass of water and a couple aspirin to help my hangover. I didn't have a hangover so I put the aspirin back but ever since, I can't stop thinking about him saying he couldn't take advantage of me and wondering why I went to him when I was drunk.

"Hello, earth to Jessica," I hear Caroline exclaim and shake off my thoughts, noticing that Bonnie is no longer next to her.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I ask curiously.

She studies me. "Are you okay? You completely zoned out there. You didn't even hear Elena invite us to sleep over at the boarding house while the Salvatores are in New Orleans," she says, worried.

"I'm fine, just thinking. It's good that we have this sleepover because I have something that I need to talk to you guys about. I'm a bit confused," I confide, hoping that they can help with the Nik situation.

"Okay but I need to talk to you about something now," she tells me nervously so I nod for her to continue and she takes a deep breath. "Yesterday, Klaus said something about Damon and Elena being curious and that I'd figure it out and I was talking with Stefan last night and thinking about how strange Elena's been acting and, God I don't know how to tell you this!" She exclaims, looking up as if God will give her the answer, and I laugh.

"If you're trying to tell me that she's sired to him, I already know," I respond, closing my locker, and she looks at me in shock.

"How? For how long? Why didn't you tell anyone?"

I sigh. "I knew when Elena couldn't drink the blood bag at the memorial so I told Damon that she needed blood from the vein first and he repeated it and suddenly she drank from Matt and was fine. I didn't tell anyone because it didn't matter, it didn't really affect things until they got together," I explain and she looks at me as though I am insane.

"What are you talking about it didn't affect anything? The sire bond could be the whole reason they are together. And how do you know they are together, she didn't say anything?"

"A sire bond between vampires is created by a love that is already present when they are human, it's rare and doesn't always happen but I think it affected her because she fell in love with Damon while still in love with Stefan. Oh and I know they're together because I saw them at Miss Mystic and they were...close, so I told Damon to be happy and ended things," I answer nonchalantly, walking to class. Caroline is still standing by my locker in shock when I feel someone pull me into an empty classroom. I look up to see Damon.

"I need to talk to you," he says guiltily and I sigh.

"Look, if this is about Elena being sired to you, I already knew, I don't care, and it stems from her love for you so your relationship is real," I assure him and he looks at me startled as he processes the information I told him.

He shakes his head as though to clear it. "Yeah well, that isn't all I wanted to tell you, something happened with Elena and me last night," he confesses, running his hand through his hair nervously. "We slept together," he finally finishes and I look at him before sighing.

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