Remember Me - Part 6

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The next day, I went to the park he had indicated. There wasn't an appointment, just the place. I sat under the tree where we used to have picnic and waited... I waited a long time. I ate a snack I had brought and read a book I had with me.

I spent all day in this park. Luckily it was a Sunday and I had the day off. I was tired of the show last night, but still hope moved me. The sun was already setting and I was getting even more anxious. Would not he come? Was it all a mistake?

It was beginning to cool with the falling of the night, I gathered the things that had brought and I put them in the bag. I looked around one last time before moving on to the nearest exit. My heart was ready to break again. The tears wanted to escape again. My footsteps on the sidewalk were heavy.

I stopped at a traffic light, waiting for my turn to cross the street. Finally the traffic light turned green so I could pass. I heard the loud horn of a car and a braking that made my heart almost jump through my mouth. The headlights of the car almost blinded me. My legs stopped moving in fright. Is this my end?


Art by: nadc204 on Twitter

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