Icy Heart - Part 1

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Haruka couldn't believe what her stepmother was forcing her to do. With the death of her father, the stepmother had taken control of the kingdom and also of the life of her new daughter. She was forcing her to marry the Prince of the Northern Kingdom, known to all as Prince Icy Heart, to maintain commercial relations between both kingdoms. However, he was also ignoring the girl's protests, who did not want to marry so young and to someone she did not love.

Everyone knew that prince by his dark nickname because those who saw him personally claimed that he had no feelings and that his heart had been permanently frozen by the evil spirits of the northern mountains. At that time, legends and rumors told by word of mouth were like absolute truths, as well as the information that our history books bring us nowadays. And Haruka was aware of that prince's reputation. She didn't want to marry someone so cold and without feelings.

To make matters worse, her stepmother had already arranged everything without her consent and Haruka would have to travel to the northern kingdom to meet her future husband and, as tradition dictates, live there with him the following month, until the date end of the marriage, when then she would officially become his wife and live forever in that cold and strange place.

The young woman was not happy with the situation, but she had always been a very obedient girl and when she saw that her arguments had no effect, she ended up accepting her destiny. At least, she thought, she would be helping her people in a way. The trip to the Northern Kingdom was long and tiring, Haruka ended up falling asleep in the carriage that took her and only woke up because of the horrible cold she was feeling as she got closer and closer to the Crystal Palace.

Haruka knew that she had read many fairytale books and that most of them told only false stories. She knew that everything she read there was a mere illusion, but she had to admit that she clung to that little thread of hope as she climbed the steps that led to the castle's reception hall. The Crystal Palace could be extremely cold, but it was very beautiful and cozy inside.

She knew that Prince Icy Heart's name was Camus and that he had lost his father when he was very young, but his mother was still alive and in no way appeared to be the age she was. The Queen of the Crystal Palace was extremely beautiful and Haruka was surprised to find that she was also very kind and caring.

"Would you like some more hot chocolate, Princess Haruka? You must be freezing! Your lips are purple..." The Queen had taken the princess to the dining room as soon as she arrived, where they had a fireplace and hot food to warm the young woman. Employees took her luggage. "Thank you, Majesty." The princess responded with a nod. She was wondering where the prince was and why he hadn't shown up yet.

"My son will appear soon, I guarantee. Do not worry." The Queen seemed to read the girl's thoughts, which made her extremely embarrassed. "Contrary to rumors, Camus is a perfect gentleman." And Haruka really wanted to believe that. When the prince finally appeared, a few minutes later, she was enchanted by his beauty. He wasn't exactly the monster she had thought... Only that he never smiled. He always seemed distant and avoided looking at her too much. This left her very confused.

The Princess imagined that her future husband would want to spend more time with her, but he was always locked in his room completely alone. Haruka ended up spending more time with the Queen than with the prince. This made her even more confused and she started to think he didn't like her at all.

The Queen seemed to read her thoughts while they drank tea together three days after her arrival. "Don't fill your little head with the wrong ideas. Camus is a little... shy at first." Her words caught the attention of the young woman, who watched her with curiosity. "He needs someone to help him out of that room. He has shut himself off from the world since my husband died, because he thinks it was his failt." She explained with a sad look.

Haruka was touched by the sentimental look of the Queen and decided that she would do her best to help. After tea, she went to the Prince's room and knocked on the door a few times, waiting for his answer. No one answered. She knocked again and finally the door opened. "Good afternoon. What do you want, Miss?" His voice was like an icy whisper, but powerful. She blinked a few times before she managed to answer.

"The Queen ordered me to ask you to accompany me on a tour of the castle." Haruka spoke, straightening up and facing him. The prince immediately noticed the lie and raised an eyebrow. "Really? And why should I accept it?" His response left her with no reaction. She imagined that he would accept an order from the queen, but that was not the case. Camus closed the door again and Haruka tasted her first defeat... The first of several until she would finally convince him to leave the room to speak properly to her.

A whole week went by while Haruka insistently tried to get Prince Icy Heart's attention. She had even managed to meet him a few times in the halls near the library, but he seemed to be afraid of her and always ran away. Why did he seem to fear her? Shouldn't it be the other way around? The bad rumors that went around were about him, not about her. Why did the prince seem to run away? Haruka was determined to help the Queen and for that she would approach him.

"Prince Camus...! Your Highness! Please... I just ask that... At least let's have tea together, okay? You don't have to be near me! Just have some tea." She was knocking on his bedroom door insistently and when she was about to give up, she heard his voice from inside. "Go to the library and wait for me there." He said at last, tired of the young princess's insistence. Worst of all, she would be actually his bride very soon...

Haruka did as he asked and went to the library. She could hardly believe that he had finally accepted. She sat in one of the armchairs and watched the employees arranging teas, cookies and sweets on the coffee table. She thanked them and then waited... And waited... And waited. But Camus just didn't show up. She decided to take one of the books from the shelves and began to read absently while eating a chocolate chip cookie.

"Don't eat over books like a peasant." A powerful, low voice sounded not far away, and it was only then that she realized that the prince had sat in the chair opposite the one she was sitting in. Haruka quickly straightened up and cleaned up the crumbs from the pages of the book. She smiled cordially at him and apologized. As she wanted to make friends, she offered to serve tea for both of them in place of the maids. But she later regretted that decision...


~ Chapter Cover edited by me using screenshots from the Anime.

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