Fallen Angel - Part 2 (End)

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"My dad is threatening my brother and I made a deal to protect him, but you can't tell anyone the truth yet." Their lips barely moved when they said those words, but their hearts were beating very fast at the proximity. Haruka's eyes widened, but she nodded slowly. "And do you have a plan, Eiichi-kun?" She found herself asking before she even thought about it.

The fallen angel just nodded and pushed her away, only to pull her close again and ruffle her hair. Eiichi was also forced to make minor injuries to her, as if they had fought against each other. Nothing serious, just to pretend they fought instead of talking. "I need you to pretend too and get in the game, but without actually playing. It's dangerous, do you understand?" His gaze was so serious that the girl felt a shiver.

"Yes." Haruka agreed with a sigh. "But your time is running out." She said with a pleading look. Eiichi just nodded and smiled trying to show confidence. Then he said just one more thing before they parted again: "I have 10 days and I only need 5 to complete what I planned. Trust me. Everything will gonna be all right!"

Haruka really wanted to believe Eiichi's words, so she left him alone for the next 5 days. She also avoided contacting Eiji because she feared she might end up telling him what she had discovered. However, on the day Eiichi had said that his plan was finally going to be completed, Haruka managed to find out where he would be meeting with his father, Raging. Luckily, the meeting would be in the middle of the forest and she had no duty to do at that time.

Haruka flew there and was hidden among the treetops. When the demon finally appeared, waiting for the fallen angel with impatience, she felt a chill run down her spine. Something said that she should get out of there as soon as possible, but curiosity and concern kept her in place. Eiichi finally appeared and was carrying a box the size of a children's shoe box. Haruka frowned, even more curious. What was in there?

"I brought what we agreed on. Now give me what you promised." Eiichi was the first to speak and Haruka held her breath while she waited for the other to respond. "First show me what's inside the box." Raging ordered without even moving from where he was. However, the other did not seem to be intimidated. Eiichi opened the box revealing dozens of white feathers, but they were not ordinary feathers, they were angel feathers. Haruka felt her heart skip a beat. It couldn't be serious! Eiichi was handing him angel feathers!?

"No!!" The moment Eiichi placed the box in Raging's hands, Haruka screamed and released a ray of light that burned all the contents inside the box. Eiichi didn't seem surprised and took the opportunity to snatch the stolen angel necklace from the demon's hands. Raging screamed angrily and Eiichi flew away from him, Haruka released another ray of light and Eiichi went to stand beside her. "I knew you would come after me." He whispered in her ear.

Raging recovered from the angel's attacks and his fury turned to power, he started to throw fireballs in order to hurt Haruka, but Eiichi was helping her to defend herself. It was two against one and the demon had no chance, having to go back to hell swearing revenge. Eiichi smiled happily and Haruka hugged him tightly. "You fool!! Was that your plan?! To serve as a guinea pig without knowing if I would really show up to save you?!" She wasn't sure if she would hit him or cover him with kisses.

The other just nodded and let her release everything she was feeling, then touched her face with one hand and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I trust my partner. I know you would save me. You always save me." He whispered. At that moment, a very strong light came down from the heavens and the archangels responsible for Eiichi's judgment appeared.

Haruka started to explain the situation, but they asked her to shut up. They had understood what the boy was doing. Raging had stolen Eiji's angel necklace and was threatening Eiichi to get what he wanted: angel feathers that would take him to the portal of heaven. Eiichi had to convince everyone that he was helping the demon to get the necklace back and save his brother's life. So he became a fallen angel, but he trusted that his former partner, Haruka, would come to his rescue.

With that, the archangels turned Eiichi back into an angel, but of course they rebuked him for pursuing such a risky plan. Haruka also fought with him for what he had done, but in the end she forgave him and they became partners again. They returned to heaven to be able to return the necklace to Eiji, who was very happy to see them together and was extremely moved by the story. He had not realized that his father had stolen his necklace, he thought he had simply lost it.

Haruka and Eiichi returned to Earth to continue their work as guardian angels for humans. Then, the girl finally asked him about the contents of the box, if they were really angel feathers. When Eiichi said they were real, she could hardly believe it. "The Archangels would never forgive you for that! If Raging had really gotten the feathers to enter heaven..."

"But he didn't make it. Because you stopped him." Eiichi smiled and stroked her cheek tenderly. "You are amazing, you know?" He asked more as a rhetorical question, but Haruka answered it nonetheless. "You are the one that's incredible. You're smart and brave. In addition to sacrificing yourself for your brother, you still protected me from attacks..." She shook her head and felt her face flush slightly. "You risked too much on trusting me so much..." She sighed as she said this.

"I will always trust you." Eiichi whispered and now that she was an angel again, he could finally kiss her right to declare his love. Haruka returned the kiss and hugged him awkwardly. "Therefore, I promise that I will always be by your side when you need it." Thus, they continued to protect humans from attacks by demons, using the strength of their love and the trust they had in each other.


~ Inspired by the song The Fall - Imagine Dragons

~ Chapter cover edited by me.

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