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"Yah Jimin, what are you doing here?" Seokjin was befuddled as he sees the surgeon walk into the room.

"I... I have work...?" Jimin raised an eyebrow and looked at the shirt he was wearing for about the zillionth time. It was so goddamn comfortable and stylish at the same time, but it wasn't his so he felt a little awkward knowing full well whose shirt it was.

"No you don't, Taehyung called for a day off for you." Seokjin stood up from Taehyung's chair, where he was resting his sore backside on, and placed a hand on Jimin's shoulder. "Wearing someone's shirt, I see." He wiggled his eyebrows.

Jimin smacked Seokjin's hand off his shoulder. "I couldn't find my own clothes at that ginormous mansion of his." He rolled his eyes, draping his coat on his chair, then taking a seat.

"Anyway, you're supposed to go home. Now. Shoo." The taller ordered, yanking Jimin's chair backward, but the smaller clutched on to it like it was his lifeline.

"No, I'm going to work." Jimin rested his feet on the table, his shiny Doc Martens slightly lifted off the surface. He didn't want to dirty his own table, after all.

"Stubborn little b- oh, hold on." Seokjin's ringtone set off, making Jimin jump and frown at the same time. He hated sudden noises, which unfortunately he had to deal with every day.

"Worldwide handsome speaking. Yes, I'm currently trying to get a little midget's bum home because he's supposed to be on leave, but he's trying to make things hard for me. If this has nothing to do with life and death, please end this call." The man rattled off into the phone, while Jimin looked on, annoyed at the names he'd just been called. He wasn't that short, was he?

"Oh, a junior doctor. Alright, what's his name? Jeon. Sounds pretty old, hmm. Right, bye." Seokjin slipped his phone back into his pocket, then rubbed his hands together.

"Did you say 'junior doctor'?" Jimin spat, getting his feet off the table. That word triggered him, as it had always done and would always. Seokjin sighed.

"If I'm not wrong... what's the lad's name again? Jungrook? I think Jungbook... yeah, he's transferring in to our department and one of you," Seokjin pointed at Jimin and at Taehyung's table, "is going to have to monitor him. He sounds like trouble. And seems like an old person too."

"Kim Seokjin, you know full well I hate. Junior. Doctors." Jimin's eyes narrowed, his fist clenching on the expensive shirt.

"Watch you manners, Jimin. I may be your friend, but I am your boss." Seokjin stared at the angered man.

"Right." Jimin leaned back into his chair. "I'm not taking him. Sorry to disappoint you."

Seokjin burst out into laughter. "Do you think your Kim Taehyung will take this Jungbook in?"

Jimin crossed his arms and remained silent.

"You can discuss with him tomorrow. See you." Seokjin patted Jimin on the head and Jimin simply glared at him, watching him stride out the door and slam it shut behind him, forgetting that it was his off-day.

Oh, how he abhorred youngsters.

- // -

"WHAT?!" Kim Taehyung slammed his fist onto his black table, rattling his cup of tea that was still hot and steaming. He'd woken up and been called by his boss to get to the hospital quick. No, he was definitely not happy.

"I've made my decision. You take him." Jimin sat back down on his chair, ignoring the furious man behind him.

"I. Said. I. Hate. Juniors." Taehyung seethed, a vein protruding from his neck. He hated every single on of them. They loved to suck up to him, take him out of 'coffee breaks' or 'lunch talks' (which he rejected, or course) or whatever bloody thing they could to butter up to the famous man. It was disgusting.

"Do you think I like them either?" Jimin hissed, swallowing an angry lump in his throat. Every time he talked to a junior they seemed as blur as frosted glass, no, a pond full of mud. They never got the jargon he used, their hands were always shaking as the held out the instruments to him. Park Jimin did not want his reputation to be tainted by young idiots who screwed up twenty-four seven. No ducking way.

"Park Jimin, I've worked far harder than you and I certainly do not think I should take in this youngster so that he can make a fool out of my reputation." Taehyung stated, his eyes dark as inky pools, intimidating Jimin a little.

A plan hatched fast in the shorter's brain. Jimin's anger dissolved and he walked over to Taehyung, gently placing a hand on his shoulder, then cupped his cheek, turning his face to look at his.

"Taehyungie..." Jimin pouted, a sad look washing across his face as his other hand grabbed Taehyung's tie to pull him closer. Before Taehyung knew it, his face had gone full red and his eyes were wide with shock at the shorter calling him that.

Jimin smiled, rubbing a thumb on Taehyung's handsome face. He was so close to him he could smell Taehyung's faint cologne on his neck, that made him breathe in deeply. "You'll take Jungbook, won't you? You're so patient, so loving, so handsome... you'll do fine, baby." Jimin smirked, winking at a blushing Taehyung. He let go of Taehyung's tie and slid out the door before Taehyung could recover from his trance.

Park Jimin, what did you just do?

- // -

Jimin was hiding behind the door, watching the younger's reaction. He breathed a sigh of relief, then felt a little shocked that he'd gone so close to Taehyung. The closest they had ever stood from each other. His body was basically pressed on Taehyung's chest, Jimin realised, then felt the full blown embarrassment that came after. He even called him loving, patient, handsome, baby, oh my god Park ducking Jimin what did you do?! All the things he did just to not take in a junior, seriously.

He quickly dusted himself off and ran over to Seokjin's office on the same level but located a little further from their shared workplace.

"Seokjin, Taehyung has agreed to take Jungbook in-" He stopped when he saw what Seokjin was watching on his computer.

The camera footage of that horribly, incredibly embarrassing scene Jimin wanted to erase from him memory.

Seokjin looked up to him and smirked. "I knew you had something for that guy!" He exclaimed loudly, Jimin cringing as he stomped on the ground in shame.

"No, god, please no." He begged, squeezing his eyes shut. He could smell Taehyung's cologne on him now.

"Whatever, but no. I'm making the both of you take turns to monitor Jungbook and that's final." Seokjin turned his computer off, smiling brightly as he stood up. "You're dismissed."

"SEOKJIN, YOU CAN'T DO THAT. IT ISN'T FAIR!" Jimin yelled, his face red.

The older gave him a rarely seen, really rarely seen, withering look. And Jimin knew he had to get in line.

"Jesus ducking Christ." Jimin uttered under his breath as he stormed out of the room, bumping into someone in the process.

The latter was muttering something along the lines of 'I'll sue you Park Jimin, you sexy bastard', his hair ruffled, his tie shifted slightly to the right, swinging freely.

- // -

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