「 𝟒𝟓 」

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As life slowly slipped back into its draining pace, Jimin felt exhausted; terribly torn; done.

Why couldn't his life be less turbulent? With no aggressive yelling or table slamming or heartbreak? Without someone he loved still keeping a distance away from him, like two parallel lines, so close yet not touching.

The silver headed male sat before his table, waiting for a call, while spinning his pen, deep in thought. He hadn't talked to Taehyung in a while; the latter was now loaded with calls and meetings a boss needed to attend since he resumed work. It was lonely, because Jungkook was away and Jihoon was in Seokjin's office. The Kim was currently away for a meeting, leaving the tiny man alone in a cold office, his thoughts weighing him down.

The male looked over to his boss' table. It was messy, papers splayed out in disarray, a pen or two resting on too of the pile, the phone not put back in place.

He decided to neaten it up for him. Standing up, he stacked the papers into one pile, arranging them vertically upright, and pushed it to a corner. Moving on to the writing materials, he picked them up and placed them into his stationery holder, and before he knew it, the table was as clean as his own.

Jimin felt cold.

Looking over to the table adjacent, he saw Taehyung's jacket draped on his chair and picked it up. It was a huge, heavy and black Gucci coat, and it had fancy buttons on its sleeves, and a collar lined with gold stitching, as well as the logo emblazoned in gold on the front of the coat.

He put it on, immediately feeling much warmer. It smelt of fragrant rose petals, and insides were silky and soft.

Then, the door clicked open.


The tall man strode in, his eyes widening a little at the tiny man wearing his huge coat.

"What's up with the coat?" He asked, dumping a stack of files on his table. There wasn't much angst laced in his voice, just confused and maybe worn out.

Jimin hastily removed the jacket, but Taehyung stopped him gently.

"You don't have to." He murmured. "You're cold, aren't you?"

Jimin nodded, searching for any signs of anger in the latter's eyes.

"Put it on, my patient." The words stopped Jimin's mind from functioning for a while. The papers on the table ruffled, and he swallowed.

"Patient? What... do you mean?" He spluttered, half surprised half puzzled, and Taehyung gave him an equally confused stare.

"I can care for my patient, can't I?"

"S-so I'm a patient?" Jimin said slowly, choosing his words carefully.

What happened to flower?

Is he going back to avoiding me?

Taehyung nodded.

"Only that?"

It was so obvious Jimin was hinting at something, but Taehyung wasn't in the mood to bring it up right then. An hour of surgery followed by another two hours of meetings snatched his remaining brain cells away; he felt like he was in university again. So he nodded.

Quickly, Jimin set the jacket down on the table, the sleeve dangling off the table precariously.

"I-I'm not cold anymore. I... I want some coffee." He sprinted out of the room, leaving Taehyung confused.

As he ran, little streams of tears streaked his cheeks.

I don't want coffee.

I just want to cry.

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