「 𝟑𝟗 」

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The male stumbled back home, tired as ever. Feeling old and worthless.

At first he didn't catch it, but it was so glaring such that his peripheral vision grasped it just in time.

A long, thin rectangle in a cardboard box, a satin bow neatly tied at the corner.

'Happy Birthday', were the golden swirly letters scripted on the brown material. His head pounded with questions as he neared it.

Unlocking his door, his foot nudged it open as he strode into his room, setting his things down. The box was gently flung onto his soft bed as the doctor went off to take a bath after grabbing a few clothes from his extensive drawer.

As his feet met the chilly marble surface of the bathroom, he felt giddy. His eyes were sore, as if he's squinted too much.

Falling against the smooth white bathtub, water rippled in between his body, rising as the tap flowed without hesitation. The lighting was thankfully dim; the yellowed ambience made him feel at ease.

Gently dipping his hands into the lukewarm liquid, he then rubbed shampoo all over his hair, feeling his nails lightly scratch his scalp.

What is that thing?

He turned off the water and rinsed the soap off.

It looks like a picture frame.

He scrubbed his body with sweet-smelling body wash, feeling the smooth colloid slip off his skin into the water.

Who is it from?

He unplugged the bath and stepped out, watching the water level decrease rapidly.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

Jimin dried himself with a towel and looked at his choice of clothes. A fluffy pink sweater and white sweats. It looked warm enough.

Soon the male turned into a living plushie, in baby pink and clean white, his messy silver hair adding to the effect. Taehyung would have loved this look on him, if he was there.

Lying on his bed, he couldn't help gingerly unwrapping the present, feeling sad that the pretty black bow was untied.

But his fingers slid under the flap and he lifted the cover up, halting his breath.

A painting?


Pink hair?

I don't have pink hair.


The signature, a scrawled 'kth' in messy, yet legible cursive emblazoned at the right bottom corner of the painting said it all.

Kim Taehyung.

His fingers fumbled for the phone, panicking as he dialled Seokjin's number.

"Yes, oh- hap-"

"No hyung, who gave me this?" Jimin pointed to the picture.

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