「 𝟑𝟒 」

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Taehyung was returning home.

Not by train.

But by foot.

He hadn't intended to push himself that far, honestly, but he decided it was better than being cooped up in the same metal space for hours. Why do that when he could walk the streets of his country, surveying how history was built, and admire the night life of it all?

His father gave a weak smile before Taehyung awkwardly walked off, belongings and a canvas in hand.

Knowing from the sad smile, his father was hiding something he didn't know. He didn't want to.

Leaving his home seemed bittersweet. He didn't want to leave, and he didn't want to arrive either. He didn't want anything to be rushed; no long queues at the station, no hustle and hurried pushing of perfumed businesspeople.

Perhaps just him, his art, and the moon.

Life was going too fast for him.

He wanted to slow time down, in his own way.

Jimin hadn't called much, nor had he texted. But Taehyung couldn't expect him to get over it so easily. He knew how sensitive he was, and intended to always be by his side. If Jimin didn't want him there, he would leave. If he didn't, he would stay.

It wasn't like there was much left to do in his life anyway. Just his job.

Being a disappointment? Check.

Breaking his flower's heart? Check.

Being alone? Check.

He smiled, the irony of it all breaking him— in a twisted way.

Checking his watch, it was nearly noontime and he's walked less than a quarter of his journey. But the sun hung restlessly and there was no one to talk to. This part of the town was less urban; just a few shops and restaurants along the streets. No skyscrapers of that sort.

He stopped by a little cafe to grab a sandwich, an iced coffee, then set off again, heaving the large canvas with him.

Few people stopped and stared. They were too busy minding the entertainment glowing in their faces anyway.

Taehyung didn't care.

For once, he felt less heavy.

Every once in a while he'd take a bite out of his sandwich and glance at Jimin's portrait to make sure it was undamaged, then move on. Keeping quiet, just enjoying the solace.

- // -

While Taehyung was busy taking his time, enjoying the sunshine while it lasted, Jimin was busy crying his little heart out at how cruel life was.

No, he wasn't going to fall for someone else.

Just Tae, Tae and Tae only.

Because there was just this part of him that Taehyung took up, and no one else could occupy. Taehyung was his scenery. His memory. His promise.

His promise that life wasn't as harsh as it seemed. His promise that life had love, but was simply difficult to find. His promise that... someone truly loved him the way he was, not anything else.

Just that simple reality check made Jimin cry.

How many days had it been?

Three? Nearing four?

Every day, every night simply wasn't the same without him.

Taehyung's house was dark out. Jimin only had his home to retreat to, his nightmares to battle. On his own.

And so he did. Waking up, sometimes consecutively, sometimes on alternating nights, drenched in sweat and cold, stinking fear.

Fear that Taehyung was gone.

Not gone, as in on holiday.

Gone forever.

He didn't know how, or why he had such dreams, they just happened as if it was part of his life. Like someone was messing with his brain, and everything he though was wired back to the same man, Kim Taehyung.

It wasn't just Jungkook or Jihoon who had noticed. Seokjin had too, and soon the whole squad knew.

But Jimin refused to let any of them console him, or get a word out, no matter how they tried.

Because sometimes you just needed to fight a battle on your own.

And life was the never ending competition he had to fight his way through, till he died. Small things like these, he kept floating in his mind, repeating to himself.

He would be Tae's flower.

His one and only.

One that Taehyung could find happiness in, and block out the bitter blows of life. Their own happy bubble where sun shone and love grew.

So he would wait. Till Taehyung got back, then he'd throw his arms around him, jump into his arms, wrap his legs around his waist tightly. Never letting go.

Because he was scared the mirage of happiness would simply fall apart, like sand trickling out of his fingers, unable to grasp.

Because he was afraid of losing Taehyung.

- // -

angst in the next chap

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