「 𝟑𝟔 」

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"When can I see him?" Jimin spat, red, demanding eyes piercing the assistant doctor. He didn't feel any remorse doing so; Taehyung's life was at stake.

"In a while, sir." The other responded, tired of answering him for the eighth time.

"You keep saying in a while, but I've been waiting for a bloody hour." The male fired back, holding back angry tears. "How long is this going to drag on, huh? Do you even know how to do you job?!"

"Sir, you need to calm down. Mr Kim is still resting, and visitors aren't allowed in yet."

"I'm a doctor."

"But you aren't in charge of the patient, sir. Only doctors who have operated on him can check up on him for now."

Bloody hell.

"When... can I visit him?" His tired voice softened, bloodshot gaze dropping to the floor.

"Maybe in a few hours. I'll check now, alright sir?"

Maybe Jimin did feel guilty for treating the younger like that.

"Thank you." He whispered, watching the male slip back into the ward.

- // -

Seokjin massaged Namjoon's knotted shoulder muscles, and boyfriend's weary frame sagged against the chair. Three hours of cutting, singeing, patching up the wound on the head didn't help his headache.

"Is the paracetamol working?" The male softly asked, and Namjoon slowly nodded.

"A little." His eyes are closed. This was the only surgery wherein he remembered every single detail— each cut, each burn, each stitch seared into his memory.

Yoongi and Hoseok entered the room, the former holding a glass of aromatic chamomile tea, the latter offering a hug to Seokjin and Namjoon.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi's voice was low, sad. It had lost its tinge of usual sarcasm and coldness.

"Fine." He breathed out, sitting up a little.

"You did your best, don't worry." Hoseok added, a tight smile appearing in his features that weren't bright. That smile hid pain.

Namjoon sluggishly sipped the tea, inhaling it's scent which visibly calmed his headache. The frown slowly dissipated, and a grave look sat in his eyes.

"He should be fine." Namjoon muttered.

"I trust you. We all do, Joonie." The male looked up at his three elders, realising he was the youngest there.

"Where's Jimin?" Hoseok looked around.

"Somewhere... else. He screamed at me not to touch him when I tried to talk to him." Seokjin muttered.

Yoongi frowned, but Namjoon interjected.

"I don't think we know him very well. He has a different connection with Taehyung."

"That's right." Hoseok slowly agreed, nodding. "Jungkook?"

"Jungkook hasn't come." Seokjin replied, "I called him but I only heard sounds of sniffing."

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