「 𝟔 」

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The boy took a deep breath, clutching his papers tightly before knocking hesitantly thrice on Mr Kim Seokjin's door. He had large doe eyes that made you go soft in your knees, brown coconutish coloured hair, and tiny dimples that surfaced when he pursed his lips together.

"In you come." A voice called from inside, followed by a series of windshield laughter.

A young Jungkook calmed his nerves by hopping on the spot a little, then gently twisting the doorknob, opening the door.

Kim Seokjin lay back in his chair, his black hair styled and he was smirking at the computer screen, cradling his hands in his head. Him in a full work suit was too much for Jungkook to handle, and the younger squinted a little.

"Jeon Jungbook? Is that you?" Seokjin asked, waving him to take a seat.

"Jeon Jungkook, sir." Jungkook politely corrected, but he bit his lips to stop himself from laughing.

"Jungcook, sorry... anyways, you'll be under two senior doctors' supervision for now, starting today. Are you excited?" Seokjin slapped himself twice to regain his composure.

"Yes, sir. I'm delighted to be here." Jungkook breathed in the delicate wood smell in the room, and gave a bunny smile that made Seokjin coo.

"Cute! But before we go, do you want to see something?"

"Yes, sir?" Jungkook was worried he was going to get kicked out of the department just as he entered.

"These two men are your seniors." Seokjin turned the computer screen toward Jungkook and the younger leaned forward.

The screen showed a shorter man clad in a sweater with a Gucci logo gripping the taller's tie tightly, pressing their chests together and whispering into his ear. Jungkook's face grew red and he quickly averted his gaze.

"I... I see." Jungkook smiled. Although he didn't think Mr Kim should have showed this to him on the first day, he was happy for the couple.

"Right, let's go." Seokjin laughed, and closed his computer, standing up.

- // -

"Park and Kim." Seokjin called out loudly. Taehyung glared at Jimin and Jimin sighed, getting up to open the door.

"Yes, Mr Kim?." Jimin greeted Seokjin with a forced smile, then dropped it when he saw someone else behind him.

Seokjin pushed Jungkook into the room. "This is your junior whom you two will be taking care of, understood?"

Both Jimin and Taehyung glared at Jungkook, then Taehyung forced a friendly wave. Which wasn't actually friendly, nor a wave. He simply held up his hand, his eyes doing the job of drilling two holes into the younger's head.

"Youngsters popping up out of nowhere." He muttered under his breath, clicking his tongue. Jungkook's eyes widened at the man's hostility. Perhaps he shouldn't have applied for this. He felt like he would be third-wheeling the couple, oh no.

This definitely wasn't the way he had imagined starting his first day of work, but he couldn't complain, either. It hadn't been easy passing his exams and getting here; there was no turning back.

"Sorry if I have offended you, sir." Jungkook bowed, sincerely apologising. Seokjin patted his head in consolation.

"Don't be. If they treat you badly, tell me." Seokjin winked, before leaving the room.

Kim Seokjin must be testing my patience again, Jimin thought, but Taehyung's forced cough made him turn his glare to the blonde man.

And poor Jungkook looked on, clutching onto his papers for dear life.

The two seniors are now full on glowering at each other, leaving Jungkook wondering at what korean drama or wattpad fanfiction he was accidentally caught in. Curse whoever was behind it.

- // -


"Kim Taehyung speaking." Taehyung picked up the call, then looked over to Jungkook.

"Come with me." Taehyung stood up, rubbing his temples, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes sir." Jungkook smiled and stood up, opening the door for his senior.

Jimin watched them leave, breathing a sigh of relief. He messed up his hand and slammed his hand repeatedly on the table. The previous events kept replaying in his head, like it was on a loop... why couldn't he forget it? The body contact, the hot breaths mixing, the glare in their eyes. All these years, no such thing had happened, ever. Only after this junior was transferred here.

Why didn't he feel disgusted? Most of all,

Why did he blush when he thought of it?

- // -

"Always hold your breath when stitching." Taehyung instructed Jungkook, showing him how to do it quickly and neatly. "If you take too long to stitch then you'll end up coughing. So know your basics well."

"Yes sir." Jungkook gave a smile, even though Taehyung didn't see it. He liked smiling, and the narrator found it awfully cute anyway.

Taehyung watched as Jungkook successfully tied up the artery, then nodded his head in acknowledgment.

"Now we just clean up." Jungkook obliged and followed whatever Taehyung did.

Taehyung yawned, after changing out of his surgery attire.

"Are you tired, sir?" He asked, "do you want me to get you some coffee?"

"No. You go rest." Taehyung grabbed the door to their office.

"S-sir? May I ask you something?" Jungkook's words halted Taehyung in his tracks. The elder raised an eyebrow. Half of Jungkook's brain yelled, no no no, bad bad idea!! but his other half argued, letting it out is the best way, just like farting. You can't hold in gas for too long anyway.

So he let it all out. Which was a hell of question.

"A-are you and Mr Park a couple?"

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