「 𝟏𝟔 」

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(A/N: I'm so proud of myself cuz I woke up and wrote this at 5am >.< so my typing was hella messy but I edited it after typing with my eyes half closed so


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4 o'clock — V

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His eyes flew open, his pink lips curving into a gentle smile. Judging from the colour of the surroundings, which were mostly black mixed with a little indigo like a palette, it should be around four or three in the morning. Taehyung, on the other hand, was breathing calmly above him, his muscular chest heaving steadily, eyes closed peacefully.

Jimin didn't know why but a particular rush of emotions overcame him, and he began thinking how much Taehyung had cared for him, how deeply he had gazed at him, how sweet he was, how the warmth of his singing voice comforted him so much, and how beautiful he was even without any light cast on him, the bluish moment of the morning unbroken.

Gingerly, he took the other's cheek in his hands and leaned forward, pressing his perfectly plump lips against the taller's. Their first kiss, at the wee hours of the morning, even though the latter wasn't fully awake. Taehyung's soft breaths alone seemed so magical. He was still asleep when he released him from the contact, but the smaller didn't catch the latter's smile creeping up his face.

Jimin smiled, getting off the bed quickly. He felt a little stuffy after sharing their body heart for so long under the covers.

Feeling his way around, avoiding the furniture till he reached the windows of the balcony and gently fumbling for the handles, he unlocked it as softly as possible in case he woke Taehyung up.

Outside was freezing cold. Winter was almost coming, and the temperatures had dipped to dangerously chilly levels. Without the heater in the room, a wave of shivers crept down his spine, but now he was happy he was fully awake, and relished that soft moment in his mind.

Resting his elbows on the balcony, he cupped his cheeks and looked out into the distance. Strangely, the flowing of water was audible, and it was so calming Jimin stayed still, not minding the cold breeze anymore. He didn't know the tranquil silence broken by an unbroken flow was water could be so beautiful.

Thank you for forgiving me, Kim Taehyung.

If it weren't for you...

I wouldn't be here.

A warm pair of arms suddenly enveloped his petite waist, and a certain someone's blonde head draped on Jimin's neck, pressing their bodies together, giving him the newfound warmth he needed. Jimin just closed his eyes, leaning against Taehyung's head and enjoyed his presence. The taller was a little sleepy, so he stayed silent for a while.

Jimin spoke first, whispering as softly as possible. "Why are you up?"

Taehyung's dark, brown iris tilted to look him in the eyes. "I can't let this moment be forgotten, can I? Our first... kiss." He said quietly. "Besides, it's so cold out here, I gather you needed some warmth. So here I am." His hands grabbed Jimin's cold ones in comparison, long fingers interlocking with the other's chubby ones gracefully. He gave him yet another squeeze, and Jimin's smile was so blissfully set on his face.

"So you were awake."

"I'm a light sleeper." Came the reply.

"The darkness is so pretty."

"It's... around three in the morning." Taehyung's giggly voice melted Jimin's heart, and he sank into his embrace further. "Oh, I wrote a song for these kind of, early, still hours of the day."

"Sing it for me." Jimin whispered, looking at Taehyung with a focused gaze. Taehyung cleared his throat and warm, melodious voice came flowing out.

"One day
I wrote a long, long letter to the moon
It would not be brighter than you
But I lit a small candle."

Jimin's eyes glazed over at the beauty, the pure effort put into the language, making it almost poetic.

"At a dusky park
A nameless bird that sings
Where are you
Oh you
Why are you crying
You and I are the only ones here
Me and you
Oh you."

"Me and you..." Jimin's pretty whispers trailed off. Taehyung smiled pressed their cheeks together.

"Finish the song for me." Taehyung gave him an encouraging smile.

Jimin thought fast, the melodies continuously playing in his head.

"Following into the deep night..." His sweet, angelic voice rang out softly in the darkness, bringing a smile on Taehyung's face, and a tight hug reassured him further.

"The sound of you singing
Brings the red morning
A step, and another step
The dawn passes..."

They locked their gazes together.

"And when that moon falls asleep
The blue shade that stayed with me disappears."
Jimin finished, gently and elegantly, his eyes forming little crescents that were faintly visible in the dim light.

"So fitting for that moment." He sighed, cherishing how warm Taehyung's body was. Like a human heater. He'd like that.

"Yes, the song is beautiful. You've finished it for me." The taller whispered, and Jimin smiled delicately yet again. "But what is everlasting would be how sweet you really are. Your warmth hidden behind your coldness, your sweetness covered by past bitterness, your beauty under a shield of anger that was once there. All these things I never knew, never bothered to find out till Jungkook talked some sense into me." He took a deep breath.

"Park Jimin, I've never done this kind of thing with someone else before, and you're the first. The only one I have actually let in my heart, and the only one I ever will. Will you promise not to abuse it?"

Jimin nodded. "You have everlasting love in your heart too," He poked Taehyung's chest softly. "Right here, which is why I'm here in your arms. You gave me the best of me so you'll give you the best of you too."

"That's such a poetic line." Taehyung sighed blissfully. "I wish to make another song."

"It could be about comforting someone. Even on the days where you hate yourself, or you don't feel like working any longer, it's telling you that you have a safe, happy place to come to and find in your heart." Jimin's intellect was beyond amazing.

"I will." Taehyung smiled, inhaling the soft scent of Jimin himself, the breeze lifting strands of their hair and bringing it into a light sway.

And there they stood, admiring the gaze, soaked in each other's presence. Jimin's petite body held by Taehyung's strong frame, the taller's arms lovings wrapped around the shorter, the elder's little fingers rubbing the younger's endearingly, everything matched so well. Their personalities at a glance might not have been matching, but opposites attract, didn't they? Black against white. Tall against short. Large against tiny. But both beautiful together. Even though they were looking out into the distance, they were actually concentrating on how perfect the other was, and the flowing sound of water rang out, making them close their eyes and relish the moment as long as they could till the sun rose.

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(A/N: the line 'but both beautiful together' can refer to how opposites complement each other even if they're different, and at the same time I'm truing to say that both are equally handsome and pretty.)

(^ what happened to me at 5am though)

(Since when was I such a deeP person)


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