「 𝟓𝟎 」

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"You're my happy ever after."

The Final

Tiny soft footsteps padded against the cold marble floor, and made its way into the kitchen. Outside, the sun was already up, making its way out from behind its cover of clouds. It was dark out due to the curtains, but he made his way intelligently past the various objects scattered in the hallway, till he found the drawer beside the stove.

He pulled it open, stumbling back a little at the force.

Little fingers grasping two packets of tea, he gently pushed the drawer to a close, looking around to make sure he hadn't woken Yeontan.

Climbing onto the chair, he pressed his finger onto the button, which made the electric kettle heat up almost instantly. Fumbling with the teabag wrapping, he was finally able to tear them open (after accidentally dropping them twice).

Humming under his breath, he waited excitedly, for the water to come to a boil.

And when it finally did, he gathered all this strength, wrists trembling because of a little fear and the weight of boiling water and metal.

The steam nearly hit his face, but he shook it away and slowly poured two cups of water into the cups. The teabags slowly diffused their brownish red puffs, which took over the colourless water.

After making the tea, he gently held up the two cups with his little hands and tiptoed back, going slower because the liquid was sloshing over the sides.

All the way to the big room.

Gently placing the cups down on the bedside table, he jumped a few times to reach the light switch.

On the fifth try, the lights clicked on.

"APPA! DADDY!" The child screamed, catapulting himself onto his sleeping parents in a pink. Two of them were entangled in a funny position, one lying nearly perpendicular to the other, basically a mess of blankets. He wiggled around, and Taehyung stirred first, being the lighter sleeper.

"Good morning petal." Taehyung pulled the boy into his warm covers, pressing a light kiss to his forehead. The boy giggled, wiggling about in the warmth.

"Appa, Daddy is sweeping. Shhh." He whispered, pressing a finger to his father's lips forcefully.

Taehyung giggled.

Taemin giggled because his father giggled.

Jimin's pink hair was still sprawled on the white pillows, eyes closed, his cheeks adorably pressed, making them look extra squishy.

"Petal, how should I wake Daddy up?" Taehyung looked at the little boy, and Taemin tapped his head, recalling what Uncle Namjoon had taught him.

"Kissy?" The boy tilted his head questioningly, and Taehyung chuckled.

"Alright, Appa will give Daddy kisses okay?" Taemin clapped his tiny hands in excitement.

Taehyung leaned forward, Taemin still in his arms, and pressed a long, gentle kiss on Jimin's lips, running his tongue lightly over them.

Jimin's eyes fluttered open the most beautiful way possible, and right in front of his was his husband and child, the former still kissing him, the latter struggling to breathe because Taehyung was crushing him.

Jimin lightly tapped Taehyung's cheek, releasing the kiss. "Taemin's being crushed, silly." He chided, and Taemin dramatically gasped for air, going 'hhhHhhhHHHHH' then coughing a few times for the added effect.

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