「 𝟑 」

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Park Jimin.

His pale face tilted downwards, his silky blonde locks brushing his forehead, his pretty lips parted.

Kim Taehyung, are you staring at him?

Taehyung slapped himself of the cheek, waking himself up from that trance. With Jimin fainted on the floor, he'd better get him out of here as soon as possible.

"Park, this is the one and only time I'm going to lay a finger on you..." Taehyung mutters, sliding his large hands underneath Jimin's back and knees. Carefully, he lifts the surprisingly light man off the ground, his heart beating abnormally fast. He checked that Jimin's head had no abrasion, no cut, no wound in sight before he silently strode out of the place.

He'd forgotten that Jimin was someone he hated. He was now simply a patient to him, someone who needed help and care. He needed to be treated with love, that was how Taehyung inconspicuously treated his patients. Yes, he was harsh. He did swear a lot, but replaced them with similar sounding words. He did have a bad attitude. But that was just a reputation of one of the top surgeons in the country. Inside he was an extremely gentle, loving man. Few or no people saw that.

"Pardon..." He shifted Jimin onto his shoulder, and freed his left hand to grab his coat, wallet, phone and watch. Looking over to Jimin's table, he scooped everything up with his huge hands, stuffing a bit in his pockets.

Suddenly a loud cheery voice echoes behind him, startling him.

"KIM TAEHYUNG HOW ARE YOU- oh duck sorry." His boss quickly walked out of the door. "Uh... continue with whatever you're doing. I didn't see anything!"

"Mr Kim Seokjin..." Taehyung sighed, picking up his precious watch from the floor. To do that he had to squat down fully to prevent Jimin from slipping off his shoulder, or accidentally hurting the latter in the process.

"Wow... what a sight." Seokjin smiled as Taehyung walked out of the door, not forgetting to bow gently as he passed, holding Jimin's back.

"Seokjin, he's fainted." Taehyung murmured, shifting the weight on his aching shoulders.

"Oh dear, let me wake him up." Seokjin slaps Jimin's cheek harshly, and Taehyung glared at his boss with large angry eyes before softening up.

"Seokjin, you're hurting him." He hissed, taking a step back from his slightly annoying boss. Seokjin gave a pretty smile and crossed his arms across his white coat.

"Someone's possessive, eh?" Seokjin teased good-naturedly, chuckling at the younger. Kim Seokjin was two years older than Taehyung, and had a pretty smile, large shoulders, steady hands and a very handsome face. Or so he boasted.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, his cold demeanour returning in an instant. "I'll be going if you don't mind, please don't call me in. I've taken two cases already, and my leg has a terrible cramp. Let him have to day off too, please?"

"Sure, I'll call someone else in. Go get some rest, Tae." Seokjin patted Jimin's head and waved them off, striding back into his office.

Taehyung lifted his patient further up his shoulder and carefully walked out of the door, his entire body sore with every step he took.

His car was parked close to the exclusive lift lobby for doctors, so he quickly placed Jimin in the passenger seat and buckled him up. Jimin could collect his own car tomorrow.

- // -

Taehyung's home was close to the hospital. It took him about five minutes in the Porsche to get him home. Jimin was still out cold.

"Aish, when are you going to wake up?" Taehyung muttered, carrying Jimin out and using his leg to shut the car door. After removing their shoes, he decided to put him in his own room, on the third level.

The lights were switched off, so Taehyung had to use his elbow to nudge it on. He felt like he was carrying a huge baby, and it was awfully inconvenient. Quickly removing Jimin's shirt and replacing it with a soft Gucci sweater, he checked that Jimin was still breathing. He then gingerly laid the elder down on the soft pillows, making sure his head was properly placed so it wouldn't hurt after sleeping for a long time. Tucking him into the sheets, he heaved a sigh.

Jimin is a patient. He reminded himself. Just a patient.

Stepping into his bathroom, he reached into the airing cupboards for a towel, and rinsed it with water. Sitting down gently into the side of the bed, he cleaned Jimin's face and neck so it would feel less grubby when he woke up, knowing that he had been working for a long time too. Finally, he tiptoed downstairs to get two glasses of water, one cold and one warm for Jimin to choose to drink when he woke up.

In this silence, Taehyung's eyes were beginning to droop too. His feet felt extremely wobbly and he quickly careened downstairs, holding the stair railings for support before he crashed into the sofa, unconscious.

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