「 𝟏𝟑 」

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Happening was easy.

Remembering a haunting, sorrowful part of his life was also easy.

Forgetting wasn't.

Yes, he might have gotten physically close to Jimin before, but emotionally, he hadn't gotten close to anyone in his life before. Not even his parents.

To them, he was probably the biggest disappointment in their lives.

He had wanted to become an artist, truth be told. Never had he intended to pick up medicine and start his career on something he wasn't interested in. His own father had been a surgeon, and had assures him he was capable of becoming a doctor. He refused.

An argument broke out because at that time his father was at the age of retiring, and Taehyung was still pursing his hopeless dream on becoming an artist. He didn't know he was failing, but never gave up. His mother tried to persuade him...

Tears came to his eyes as he remembered.

That one push.

She went tumbling down the stairs, her already fragile bones shattered by the strength of a man in his teens. A broken rib that punctured her heart.

It was a goner.

Holding his head in his hands, he sobbed. The memory of that, watching his own mother, falling down the stairs haunted him. He didn't want to forgive himself for that sin, ever.

His father, taking his son's blame of killing his spouse, suffered a heart attack from the trauma, and passed away in jail.

He was now alone.

Wasn't that what he'd always wanted? To be free of parents pushing him around to do this and that, and paint without a care?

Now, every time he saw a paintbrush, or a canvas, he would break down. He'd never touched a single art appliance ever again in his life, and soon his once childish dream of becoming an artist faded away in the recesses of his life.

Now his only goal was to fulfil his parents' wishes for him to become a doctor. And not disappoint them any further. After being taken into an orphanage, he was one of the lucky few who stood out for his intelligence, and could go to a university to study.

Then came his job. It was the hardest thing to achieve. How would you like paying for every meal yourself, then counting down on the days you had to go hungry again because you needed to pay rental? And eating the same sandwich for breakfast and dinner for three years straight?

He was yelled at, scorned at, laughed at. But his hard work paid off, and who was looking down on one of the most famous surgeons in Korea now?

Probably Jimin.

The other didn't know a single thing about him. Nor did he about Jimin. Years of hate definitely wasn't easy to just forget, wake up and go on with life as if nothing happened.

But he could if he put his mind to it. He'd been capable of many successful surgeries, and surviving his traumatic childhood. This might now have been as difficult a task as he thought. What he wanted to know was the part after forgetting.

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