Chapter 5

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Sage's POV
In the morning, Niall and Zayn woke me up.

"What time is it?" I mumbled and rubbed sleep out of my eyes.

"5:30, but you can sleep when we get there," Zayn answered. Then they left so I could get ready.

I got out of the bed and got undressed and took a quick shower, washing my hair and body. I also sang Clarity. I haven't sang for awhile. Once I was done I got out and dried off and then went into my room. I put this outfit on.

Just pretend it has an S on it for Sage

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Just pretend it has an S on it for Sage.

I then just decided to wear my hair down today because I was to tired to do anything else with it. I took it down and brushed it out and let my long side bangs fall into place.

Once I was done I fed Changa. I love him so much.

I also packed a little bag with stuff like, a coloring book, crayons, my phone and charger, earbuds, and other stuff because the boys told me I might get bored, but I don't think I will. Then I went downstairs where the others were.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Harry said.

"Good morning," I said tiredly. Then I yawned.

"Looks like someone is not a morning person," Louis laughed causing Liam to laugh too.

I didn't say anything in response.

"Let's go then. You can eat when we get there," Liam said. Then we left.

Skip to when they get there.

We finally arrived and got out and walked in.

"What is this place?" I asked and looked around.

"It's a studio," Niall answered.

"A what," I asked confused.

"It's where we record our music," this time Zayn answered.

I was still really confused.

"You know how maybe in dance you go to a studio to practice dancing to a song and learning a routine. Then you all record it maybe?" Harry tried to explain to me someway I would understand.

"Ohhhh, I gotcha," I now understood.

After that we walked to this one room. That's when we met them.

"Sage, this is Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Michael," Harry introduced me.

"Hi," I said to each of them.

Then the boys left me with them because they were called to record and stuff right away.

"Oh my gosh. You are the little girl the boys have been talking non stop about!" Michael exclaimed.

"We have been dying to meet you! You are so adorable," Luke bent down to my height.

"Thank you," I said and couldn't help but blush a little. I'm really shy.

"Awwwww, Luke, you made her blush," Ashton awed at me causing me to smile.

"You ready to have fun?!" Calum asked excitedly.

I nodded eagerly.

"First we have to get something to eat. The boys told us you need to eat something," Michael informed us.

I then became a little sad. I hate eating.

"But, we don't have to now do we?" The boys aren't here and now we are in charge." Luke reminded us.

That's when they took me to a big room.

"Close your eyes," Ashton told me.

"Ok," I said and closed them.

The boys took my hands and led me into the room.

"Ok, you can open your eyes!" Calum instructed me.

I opened my eyes to see that we were in a big game room. It literally looked like an arcade with all these game machines. It also had four flat screens with game controllers and a box of video games. Then there was a popcorn machine, a soda fountain, a chocolate fountain, a smoothie machine, and so much more.

"Woah," I finally stated.

"You like?" Ashton asked.

I nodded cheerfully.

"Come on! What are you waiting for?!" Luke asked me then we took off.

First we played some of the game machines. I beat Calum and Michael at PacMan.

Then we sat on the couch for a good three hours and played video games.

Afterwards they told me I needed to eat something now. I didn't want to but I grabbed a croissant and ate it.

I wanted to make them happy since they were staying here just for me. They had the studio before the boys did.

Once we finished eating we then played more games on the game machines. This was one of the best days of my life. (Even if we did wake up early).

I was then getting tired so I went to sleep on a couch while the others continued playing video games.

Harry's POV
We were finally done recording and all that other stuff. It was exhausting. I'm just hoping Sage had a great time today. We then walked to where they were.

"Boy, did you all make her tired," I said to them noticing Sage was asleep. She had her head on Luke's lap who was stroking her long hair, and she had her legs on Ashtons's lap.

"I think we did," Michael responded grinning.

"Thank you all for watching her today," Liam said.

"Yea, no problem. It was so fun," Calum said.

"We definitely need to do it again soon!" Luke exclaimed.

I then picked sleeping Sage up and carried her on my hip. We all said goodbye to the boys (5sos), then the boys and I walked out and to the car. I then placed Sage in the car on Liam's lap, and then got in next to Niall who was driving.

Liam's POV
It was getting late and the boys and I were exhausted. Not to mention that Sage is already asleep.

We finally arrived home and I carried Sage in and to her room. I tucked her in her bed and kissed her goodnight.

Harry said that it was okay for her to sleep in her clothes. I don't think he wanted to wake her because he was tired. He also said that he doesn't think Sage is that used to us for us to do that (change her into her pajamas).

I then left Sage's room and went to my room. The boys were already asleep. It was a long boring day for us.

I was just thinking about tomorrow. Tomorrow we have to take Sage to the doctor for a checkup. I felt sorry for her. Who knows how this will go.


Hey guys!

I hope you all like this chapter. I love 5sos, and I have been suggested that it will be great to add them into my story too! Again, if you want to be characters in my book, just read my story, vote on it, follow me, and share my story with your followers. Also a follow for a follow!

Love B

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