Chapter 6

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Harry's POV
Today we have to take Sage to the doctor for a checkup. We all agreed it would probably be better to wake her once we are there, instead of telling her. I packed her a bag of clothes and her hairbrush just in case she wanted them later.

I also fed her cat to make her happy. She did tell us how that was her cat she had with her family. It was the only thing she has told us about them. But no pressure.

Niall carried her to the car as she was still sleeping and the boys and I got in. Zayn drove us.

Fifteen or twenty minutes later we were there. This was going to be the hard part: waking Sage up and telling her where we are.

"Sage, darling, can you wake up now?" I asked shaking her.

No response. This time Louis helped me.

"Sage, it's time to wake up," Louis shook her.

"Noooooooo!" She whined. The boys and I have all learned by now, through personal experience, that she hates it when people wake her up.

"We are sorry hon, but you need to. We are at the doctors," I finally told her. That apparently got her attention some how because then she immediately got up.

"What?! Noooo!" She started crying. The boys and I were all confused.

Sage's POV
The boys just told me we were at the doctor's. I am terrified of doctors.

Back when I was abused the men would like to play a "game" called doctor. They said if I was good I would get a treat afterwards. They would then have me lay on a table as they would "fix" me. It was basically them taking my clothes off, touching me, and raping me.

Those thoughts gave me a bad flashback and I started crying. I couldn't help but have a panic attack.

"Noooo!" I broke out crying and my breathing became off. I started sweating like crazy.

"What's happening to her?" Zayn asked concerned. They all looked confused and worried.

"Oh my gosh. She's having a panic attack!" Liam just realized. No duh Sherlock.

It was all happening so fast. Flashbacks were appearing in my head making me cry more. My head was throbbing and I felt like I was about to pass out.

"Sage, try to focus on my words. You are okay. Everything is okay," Harry tried comforting me.

I shook my head no as tears were coming out of my eyes.

"It will be over soon," Niall added trying to soothe me.

A couple minutes later, it was all over.

"Are you alright love?" Harry asked me and pulled me into his lap and started stroking my hair.

I didn't respond to him. Of course I'm not okay.

"I know that was scary. It was just a panic attack. You are safe now. No one is or ever will hurt you ever again. Everything is going to be fine." Harry added which made me feel a little better.

"May, I have the clothes you all packed for me?" I only managed to say also trying to change the subject.

Liam handed me the bag. They all closed their eyes, as I changed. I changed into this outfit.

Once I was done I told the boys they could open their eyes, as I threw my hair into a quick ponytail

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Once I was done I told the boys they could open their eyes, as I threw my hair into a quick ponytail.

I had Harry carry me inside because I was scared. It felt like every time he took a step, my heart would increase the rate it would beat.

Once we all got inside Harry sat me in Zayn's lap as he went to get the papers he had to fill out. After he got them, he sat down next to Niall and filled them out. Once he was done he gave them to the front desk woman.

It felt like we were waiting forever. My heart was pounding rapidly.

"Sage, we are ready to see you," a nurse called me in. Harry was allowed to go with me since he is the legal guardian.

I took his hand, but before we walked in, I gave the boys a pleading look.

"Everything will be fine dear. It's only a checkup," Louis reassured me.

"You got this girl!" Niall supported me.

Harry and I then followed the nurse who led us into this hallway. She measured me and weighed me. I was 50 lbs and 4'0 ft. (Note I looked up what the average height and weight is for a 10 year old girl and I wanted Sage to be underweight and short for her age).

After that she led us to a patient's room and instructed me to sit on the table. Harry lifted me.

She then did regular nurse stuff like took my blood pressure, listened to my heart beat, look into my ears, and other stuff.

"The doctor will be here shortly," she told us and left the room.

It was quiet for a little bit. I was getting scared again. Finally Harry broke the silence.

"So, Sage, why are you so scared of doctors?" He asked.

I didn't answer him.

"You know you can tell us anything right?" He added.

That's when I told him everything from how my parents died, how I was abused for three years, how I became mute, but my brother would urge me to talk, and how I watched my brother get killed. Then I told him how I was basically raped so many times. Then I told him how the abusive men would starve me and my brother, and I was also bullied by the other children in the orphanage, and that's why I am anorexic.

He looked like he was about to cry, but he put his strong face on to comfort me.

I was crying again and he pulled me into his lap. He cradled me as I cried and he started singing in my ear. Finally he got me to stop crying.

Finally the doctor came in. Fortunately the doctor is a girl.

"Hello, Sage, I'm Dr. Grant." She shook my hand and I shook back and said hi.

"I'm only going to ask you a few questions." She told me.

"Ok," I responded and thought good to myself. She asked me about my past life, my eating habits, my concussion, and other stuff.

"Sage, has generalized anxiety disorder, depression, and she is severely anorexic. There are pills I can give you for her head. Also, there's a surgery we can operate on her stomach. It will help her feel hungry again. Since she has spent the last several years not eating much, she has lost the feeling of being hungry, and that's why her body doesn't hold much when she eats," she said to Harry.

Wow that's a lot I thought.

"Sage, do you want the surgery?" Harry asked me.

I nodded my head yes. I agreed that it will be good for me to be hungry again. I admit I'm so underweight and short than most girls my age.

"Ok, then, we do have an opening for later today actually," Dr. Grant told us.

"We can do that," Harry told her after my approval.

"Will it hurt, and will it take long?" I asked Dr. Grant a little scared.

"It won't hurt sweetie. You will be sleeping. And it will only be about 45 minutes," she answered.

She then led us back to the rest of the boys and left. Harry told the boys what we were going to do.

"Isn't that great Sage?!" Zayn asked.

I nodded. Then we left to get something to eat. Well, really something to eat for the boys, not for me.


Hey guys!

I hope you all are liking the story so far. Also feel free to make any suggestions or ideas! Thanks!

Love B

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