Chapter 72

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Sage's POV
"Sage, wake up," I felt the boys shaking me awake.

I rolled over on my side and went back to sleep.

"Please Sage. Today is going to be a fun day," Harry shook me.

I grabbed my notebook then wrote: what's going 2 b fun about 2-day?

"We decided to go an amusement park for a day out. Colt, Justin, and the 5sos boys are coming too!" Niall exclaimed to me.

I wrote: ooh yay!!! :):):)

"Come on and get ready. They'll be here in 45 minutes," Louis pulled me out of my bed then they left.

With that I did my usual morning routine. After feeding Changa and fixing my hair into pigtails, I went downstairs.

I went to the living room to see everyone here.

"Hey Sage," they all noticed me.

"Are you excited for today?" Micheal asked me.

I nodded my head yes.

"We're taking separate cars," Zayn said.

"Car 1 will be me, Niall, Harry, Justin, Micheal, and Calum," Liam said.

"Car 2 will be me, Zayn, Sage, Colt, Luke, and Ashton," Louis said.

"Everyone cool with that?" Harry asked.

"Yes," everyone except me said.

I grabbed a few pens and a mini notepad.

We then went into our separate cars.

"Everyone ready?" Zayn asked us because he is driving.

Again, everyone except me said yes.

I then wrote: how far is it?

I handed it to Louis.

"It's about two hours. We're going to McDonalds for a drive thru," he told me.

I signed okay.

About ten minutes later Zayn pulled into the drive thru. He ordered for everyone.

I wrote: i want a biscuit and milk please.

I gave it to Colt who told Zayn.

Once we got our food we ate quickly then Zayn started driving.

Finally we're here!

On the way here I taught Luke and Ashton some sign language.

"Harry texted and said that they're by the entrance," Ashton said.

Zayn parked then we all got out. I held Luke's hand as we walked to entrance.

"Over here!" I heard Justin's voice.

"I don't see them," Zayn said.

I quickly wrote: i heard Justin's voice.

"Where from Sage?" Colt asked me.

"We're over here guys," I heard Calum.

I then took off running and following the sound of the boys' voices.

"Sage, come back!" I heard Louis and the boys chasing after me.

I then saw Harry, ran to him, and hugged him.

"Hey Sage. You finally found us," he hugged me back.

"Sage, please don't run off like that ever again. Next time tell one of us," Louis and the rest of the boys finally caught up with me.

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