Chapter 23

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Skip to the morning they are leaving for tour.

Sage's POV
"Sage, time to wake up," the boys were shaking me awake. I remained in my bed.

"Sage, we don't have time for you to be stubborn right now. You need to wake up and get ready," Harry shook me awake.

"You can sleep when we get on the jet," Liam said.

"We let you sleep as long as we could, so now you need to wake up," I felt Zayn shook me .

"I'm awake," I stated pushing all of them away from me.

"Good girl, now hurry up and get ready then meet us downstairs," Harry said pulling me out of the bed.

"What time is it?" I asked rubbing sleep out of my eyes.

"It's 5:30 but you can sleep when we get on the jet," Louis answered, then they all left.

I then took a five minute shower. Once I was done I got dressed in leggings, converses, and a sweatshirt. I then threw my hair into a side ponytail.

We dropped Changa off at Riley's place the other night. It was hard for me but the boys stayed by my side and comforted me. Riley told me that she will text me pictures of him, which makes me feel a little better.

I told myself I will be supportive of the boys and I am.

Once I was done I went downstairs.

"Go to the car. We will be there in a few minutes. We already have your stuff packed in the car," Louis instructed me.

I then went outside and got into the car and just drifted off to sleep. Five minutes later the boys got in and I woke up again.

"Are we ready?" Zayn asked because he was driving.

"Yes!" The boys all called out and I didn't say anything.

"Looks like someone is still sleepy as always," Niall pointed out. I just rolled my eyes.

"Sage, we promise you can sleep when we get on the jet. You can rest right now but we are stopping at McDonald's to get breakfast," Harry said.

"Okay," is all that I responded back with.

About ten minutes later we pulled into a McDonald's drive thru.

"Sage what do you want?" Zayn asked me.

"I will just take a biscuit and a hash brown please," I answered him.

Zayn then ordered, "hi, we will take five chicken biscuits, five coffees, one plain biscuit, one hash brown, and a plain milk."

I assumed the milk is also for me.

Once we got our stuff Zayn handed us our food to eat in the car.

"Sage here you go," Liam handed me my food and milk.

"Thanks," I said and took them.

I then ate all my hash brown and half my biscuit. I also drank all my milk so the boys won't be on my back.

I then zoned out and thought about how I told all my friends that I would be gone for three months. When I told Cody, Parker, Patrick, and Jayden they didn't take it well. They said that they will miss me and group ft me twice a week. I told them we can always text. When I told Riley, she told me that she will ft me and text me whenever. I'm going to miss all of them like crazy. I have known them for a month and now I have to leave them.

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